Toona ciliata
Common Name: Australian redcedar 
Type: Tree
Family: Meliaceae
Native Range: Himalayas to tropical Asia, Australia, Pacific Islands
Zone: 9 to 12
Height: 65.00 to 100.00 feet
Spread: 65.00 to 100.00 feet
Bloom Time: Seasonal bloomer
Bloom Description: White
Sun: Full sun
Water: Medium to wet
Maintenance: Low
Suggested Use: Annual, Shade Tree
Flower: Fragrant
Tolerate: Drought


Best grown in moist, loamy, deep, slightly acidic to neutral, well-draining soils in full sun. Does not tolerate poor, sandy soils or wet, compacted soils. Hardy in Zones 9-12.

Noteworthy Characteristics

Toona ciliata, commonly called Australian redcedar or toon tree, is a medium to large sized deciduous tree native to much of the Indian subcontinent, East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Australia. It is primarily found growing in wooded thickets, hillsides, riparian areas, and disturbed habitats. It is widely planted in the tropics as a timber tree and for reforestation projects, and has naturalized in some areas. The compound leaves can reach up to 25 inches long and are made up of 9-15 pairs of lanceolate leaflets. The small, cream to light pink flowers are fragrant and bloom in terminal, pendulate clusters in late spring. The samaras (winged seeds) are orange-red in color and spread by wind. This vigorous grower may form buttresses as it matures, and will reach up to 100' tall with a roughly equal spread. Its canopy is densely branched and rounded to spreading in shape.

The genus Toona comes from "toon" or "tun", the Indian name for this plant.

The specific epithet ciliata refers to the pubescence (hairiness) of the floral filaments and leaves. This feature can vary greatly across geographic regions, with some populations completely lacking hairs.


Susceptible to attack by the cedar tip moth. Found in Africa, Asia, and Australia, the larvae feed on a number of species in the Meliaceae (mahogany) family.


Common in cultivation as a shade tree and timber tree. The wood is moderately durable, easy to work with, and has a distinct cedar-like aroma when cut. Used for building furniture, cabinets, veneers, moulding, musical instruments, and boats. Can serve as a replacement for mahogany.