Plant Finder Search Results
Scientific Name List


Your search returned 907 results.
Abelia chinensis  - Chinese abelia
Abelia × grandiflora  - glossy abelia
Abeliophyllum distichum  - white forsythia
Abelmoschus manihot  - sunset huskmallow
Abelmoschus moschatus  - musk mallow
Abies balsamea  - balsam fir
Abies balsamea 'Jamy'  - balsam fir
Abies balsamea 'Nana'  - balsam fir
Abies concolor  - white fir
Abies firma  - momi fir
Abies fraseri  - Fraser fir
Abies grandis  - grand fir
Abies homolepis  - Nikko fir
Abies koreana  - Korean fir
Abies nordmanniana  - Caucasian fir
Abies nordmanniana 'Brandt'  - Caucasian fir
Abies pinsapo  - Spanish fir
Abies pinsapo 'Horstmann'  - Spanish fir
Abutilon × hybridum  - flowering-maple
Abutilon × hybridum 'Bella Red'  - flowering-maple
Abutilon 'Moonchimes'  - flowering-maple
Abutilon pictum 'Gold Dust'  - flowering-maple
Acacia cognata 'Mini Cog'  - river wattle
Acacia koa  - koa
Acacia redolens  - black cat claw
Acalypha hispida  - red hot cat's tail
Acalypha wilkesiana  - Jacob's coat
Acantholimon ulicinum  - prickly thrift
Acanthus hungaricus  - bear's breeches
Acanthus mollis  - bear's breeches
Acanthus mollis 'Oak Leaf'  - bear's breeches
Acanthus montanus  - mountain thistle
Acanthus spinosus  - bear's breeches
Acanthus 'Summer Beauty'  - bear's breeches
Acca sellowiana  - pineapple guava
Acer buergerianum  - trident maple
Acer campestre  - hedge maple   ( POM )
Acer capillipes  - snakebark maple
Acer cappadocicum  - cappadocian maple
Acer carpinifolium  - hornbeam maple
Acer caudatifolium  - snakebark maple
Acer cissifolium  - ivy-leaved maple
Acer × conspicuum 'Phoenix'  - snakebark maple
Acer davidii  - snakebark maple
Acer × freemanii 'Armstrong'  - Freeman maple
Acer × freemanii 'Marmo'  - Freeman maple
Acer griseum  - paperbark maple   ( POM )
Acer japonicum  - full moon maple
Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium'  - full moon maple
Acer japonicum 'Green Cascade'  - full moon maple
Acer japonicum 'O-isami'  - full moon maple
Acer japonicum 'Vitifolium'  - full moon maple
Acer macrophyllum  - bigleaf maple
Acer maximowiczianum  - Nikko maple
Acer miyabei  - maple
Acer miyabei 'Morton' STATE STREET  - miyabe maple   ( POM )
Acer monspessulanum  - Montpellier maple
Acer negundo  - boxelder
Acer oliverianum  - Chinese maple
Acer palmatum  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Arakawa'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Beni-kawa'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Beni-tsukasa'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Burgundy Lace'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Butterfly'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Fall's Fire'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Germaine's Gyration'  - Japanese maple   ( POM )
Acer palmatum 'Higasayama'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Hogyoku'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Katsura'  - Japanese maple   ( POM )
Acer palmatum 'Murasaki-hime'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Nishiki Gawa'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Nuresagi'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Omurayama'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Osakazuki'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Oshio-beni'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Red Select'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Sango-kaku'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Satsuki-beni'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Shaina'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Sharp's Pygmy'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Sherwood Flame'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Shindeshojo'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Shishigashira'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Suminagashi'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Trompenburg'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Tsuma-gaki'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Utsu-semi'  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum var. dissectum  - Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Villa Taranto'  - Japanese maple
Acer pensylvanicum  - snakebark maple
Acer pentaphyllum  - maple
Acer pictum  - painted maple
Acer pictum subsp. mono  - painted maple
Acer platanoides  - Norway maple
Acer platanoides 'Deborah'  - Norway maple
Acer pseudoplatanus  - sycamore maple
Acer pseudosieboldianum  - Korean maple
Acer rubrum  - red maple
Acer rubrum 'Columnare'  - red maple
Acer rubrum 'Karpick'  - red maple
Acer rubrum 'Northwood'  - red maple
Acer saccharinum  - silver maple
Acer saccharum  - sugar maple
Acer saccharum 'Bailsta' FALL FIESTA  - sugar maple   ( POM )
Acer saccharum 'Goldspire'  - sugar maple
Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum'  - full moon maple
Acer tataricum  - tatarian maple
Acer tataricum subsp. semenovii  - Turkestan shrub maple
Acer triflorum  - three-flowered maple   ( POM )
Acer truncatum  - shantung maple   ( POM )
Achillea ageratifolia  - Greek yarrow
Achillea distans  - Alps yarrow
Achillea filipendulina  - fern-leaf yarrow
Achillea filipendulina 'Altgold'  - fern-leaf yarrow
Achillea 'Martina'  - yarrow
Achillea sibirica  - Siberian yarrow
Achillea tomentosa 'Aurea'  - woolly yarrow
Achimenes (group)  - hot water plant
Aciphylla aurea  - golden spaniard
Acoelorrhaphe wrightii  - paurotis palm
Aconitum carmichaelii 'Arendsii'  - azure monkshood
Aconitum 'Eleonara'  - monkshood
Aconitum hemsleyanum  - climbing monk's hood
Aconitum napellus  - monkshood
Aconitum volubile  - monkshood
Acorus calamus  - sweet flag
Acorus gramineus  - grassy-leaved sweet flag
Acorus gramineus 'Minimus Aureus'  - grassy-leaved sweet flag
Acorus gramineus 'Oborozuki'  - grassy-leaved sweet flag
Acorus gramineus 'Ogon'  - grassy-leaved sweet flag
Acorus gramineus 'Pusillus Minimus Aureus'  - grassy-leaved sweet flag
Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus'  - grassy-leaved sweet flag
Actaea 'Chocoholic'  - bugbane
Actaea dahurica  - bugbane
Actaea pachypoda  - white baneberry
Actaea 'Pink Spire'  - bugbane
Actaea podocarpa  - bugbane
Actaea racemosa  - black cohosh
Actaea simplex  - bugbane
Actinidia arguta  - hardy kiwi
Actinidia arguta 'Issai'  - hardy kiwi vine
Actinidia deliciosa  - kiwifruit
Actinidia kolomikta  - variegated kiwi vine
Actinidia kolomikta 'Arctic Beauty'  - variegated kiwi vine
Adansonia digitata  - baobab
Adenium obesum  - desert rose
Adenophora 'Amethyst'  - ladybells
Adenophora liliifolia  - ladybells
Adiantum capillus-veneris  - maidenhair fern
Adiantum hispidulum  - rough maidenhair fern
Adiantum pedatum  - Northern maidenhair fern
Adiantum raddianum  - delta maidenhair fern
Adina rubella  - Chinese buttonbush
Adonidia merrillii  - Manila palm
Aechmea fasciata  - urn plant
Aeonium undulatum  - stalked aeonium
Aeschynanthus radicans  - lipstick plant
Aesculus californica  - California buckeye
Aesculus × carnea  - red horse chestnut
Aesculus × carnea 'Briotii'  - red horse chestnut
Aesculus × carnea 'Marginata'  - red horse chestnut
Aesculus chinensis  - Chinese horse chestnut
Aesculus flava  - yellow buckeye
Aesculus glabra  - Ohio buckeye
Aesculus glabra 'Nana'  - Ohio buckeye
Aesculus hippocastanum  - horse chestnut
Aesculus indica 'Sydney Pearce'  - Indian horse chustnut
Aesculus parviflora  - bottlebrush buckeye   ( POM )
Aesculus parviflora var. serotina  - bottlebrush buckeye
Aesculus pavia  - red buckeye   ( POM )
Aesculus sylvatica  - painted buckeye
Afrocarpus gracilior  - African fern pine
Agalinis tenuifolia  - slenderleaf false foxglove
Agapanthus africanus  - African lily
Agapanthus 'Blue Yonder'  - lily of the Nile
Agapanthus 'Cold Hardy White'  - lily of the Nile
Agapanthus (group)  - lily of the Nile
Agapanthus 'Headbourne Hybrids'  - lily of the Nile
Agapanthus 'Kingston Blue'  - lily of the Nile
Agapanthus 'Rfdd' DOUBLE DIAMOND  - lily of the Nile
Agapanthus 'Summer Skies'  - lily of the Nile
Agastache 'Apricot Sunrise'  - giant hyssop
Agastache 'Ava'  - giant hyssop
Agastache 'Black Adder'  - giant hyssop
Agastache 'Blue Boa'  - giant hyssop
Agastache 'Blue Fortune'  - giant hyssop
Agastache 'Bolero'  - giant hyssop
Agastache cana  - hummingbird's mint
Agastache 'Firebird'  - giant hyssop
Agastache foeniculum  - anise hyssop
Agastache KUDOS RED  - dwarf hybrid hyssop
Agastache mexicana 'Sangria'  - Mexican giant hyssop
Agastache nepetoides  - yellow giant hyssop
Agastache 'Pink Pop'  - giant hyssop
Agastache 'Purple Haze'  - giant hyssop
Agastache rugosa 'Golden Jubilee'  - purple giant hyssop
Agastache rupestris  - threadleaf giant hyssop
Agastache rupestris 'Apache Sunset'  - threadleaf giant hyssop
Agastache 'Summer Breeze'  - giant hyssop
Agastache SUMMER GLOW  - giant hyssop
Agastache 'Summer Love'  - giant hyssop
Agastache 'Tutti-frutti'  - giant hyssop
Agastache 'Violet Vision'  - hummingbird's mint
Agave americana  - American century plant
Agave attenuata  - century plant
Agave 'Blue Glow'  - century plant
Agave desmetiana  - spineless jade agave
Agave havardiana  - Havard agave
Agave ovatifolia  - whale's tongue agave
Agave parryi  - Parry's agave
Agave schidigera  - century plant
Agave shawii  - coastal agave
Agave univittata 'Splendida'  - century plant
Agave victoriae-reginae  - century plant
Ageratina altissima  - white snakeroot
Ageratum houstonianum  - floss flower
Ageratum houstonianum 'Blue Horizon'  - floss flower   ( POM )
Aglaia edulis  - chu-lan tree
Aglaia odorata  - chu-lan tree
Aglaonema commutatum  - Philippine evergreen
Aglaonema 'Cutlass'  - Chinese evegreen
Aglaonema 'Red Gold'  - Chinese evergreen
Aglaonema 'Silver Queen'  - Chinese evergreen
Agrostis palustris NO MOW  - creeping bent grass
Ailanthus altissima  - tree of Heaven
Ajania pacifica  - ajania
Ajuga reptans  - common bugle
Ajuga 'Sparkler'  - bugleweed
Akebia quinata  - chocolate vine
Albizia julibrissin  - silk tree
Albizia saman  - rain tree
Alcea rosea  - hollyhock
Alcea rosea 'Nigra'  - hollyhock
Alcea rosea (single)  - hollyhock
Alcea rugosa  - hollyhock
Alchemilla mollis  - lady's mantle
Alchemilla mollis 'Thriller'  - lady's mantle
Alchemilla sericata 'Gold Strike'  - silky lady's mantle
Aleurites fordii  - tung-oil tree
Aleurites moluccanus  - candlenut tree
Alisma triviale  - northern water plantain
Allamanda cathartica  - golden trumpet
Allamanda schottii  - bush allamanda
Allium altaicum  - onion
Allium 'Ambassador'  - ornamental onion
Allium babingtonii  - wild leek
Allium caeruleum  - ornamental onion
Allium cepa  - onion
Allium cernuum  - nodding onion
Allium 'Chivette'  - chives
Allium cristophii  - star of Persia
Allium fistulosum  - scallion
Allium 'Forelock'  - ornamental onion
Allium giganteum  - ornamental onion
Allium 'Globemaster'  - ornamental onion
Allium hookeri var. muliense  - Hooker's onion
Allium karataviense  - ornamental onion
Allium kunthianum  - allium
Allium 'Lavender Bubbles'  - ornamental onion
Allium lusitanicum  - German garlic
Allium 'Millenium'  - ornamental onion
Allium moly  - golden garlic
Allium 'Pink Jewel'  - ornamental onion
Allium 'Purple Sensation'  - ornamental onion
Allium sativum  - cultivated garlic
Allium schubertii  - ornamental onion
Allium senescens  - German garlic
Allium senescens 'Blue Eddy'  - German garlic
Allium 'Serendipity'  - ornamental onion
Allium sphaerocephalon  - round-headed leek
Allium stellatum  - prairie onion
Allium 'Sugar Melt'  - ornamental onion
Allium thunbergii 'Ozawa'  - ornamental onion
Allium tuberosum  - garlic chives
Allium ursinum  - wild garlic
Alluaudia dumosa  - alluaudia
Alluaudia humbertii  - alluaudia
Alnus cordata  - Italian alder
Alnus glutinosa  - European alder
Alnus incana  - grey alder
Alnus incana subsp. rugosa  - hazel alder
Alnus japonica  - Japanese alder
Alnus maritima  - seaside alder
Alnus × mayrii  - alder
Alnus serrulata  - hazel alder
Alnus sieboldiana  - alder
Alnus subcordata  - Caucasian alder
Alocasia × amazonica  - elephant's ear
Alocasia × amazonica 'Polly'  - Amazonian elephant's ear
Alocasia 'Frydek'  - elephant's ear
Alocasia (group)  - elephant's ear
Alocasia LOW RIDER  - elephant's ear
Alocasia macrorrhizos  - giant elephant's ear
Alocasia 'Metalhead'  - elephant's ear
Alocasia 'Portora'  - elephant's ear
Alocasia 'Sarian'  - elephant's ear   ( POM )
Aloe aristata  - torch plant
Aloe ferox  - Cape aloe
Aloe harlana  - aloe
Aloe longistyla  - Karoo aloe
Aloe munchii  - large Chimanimani aloe
Aloe rauhii  - aloe
Aloe sabaea  - Yemen tree aloe
Aloe striata  - coral aloe
Aloe suzannae  - aloe
Aloe vera  - aloe
Aloysia citriodora  - lemon verbena
Aloysia virgata  - sweet almond bush
Alpinia galanga  - siamese ginger
Alpinia japonica  - ginger lily
Alpinia zerumbet  - shellplant
Alstroemeria aurea  - lily of the Incas
Alstroemeria 'Casablanca'  - lily of the Incas
Alstroemeria 'Glory of the Andes'  - lily of the Incas
Alstroemeria isabellana  - lily of the Incas
Alstroemeria 'Jupiter'  - lily of the Incas
Alstroemeria 'Koice' INCA ICE  - lily of the Incas
Alstroemeria 'Sweet Laura'  - lily of the Incas
Alstroemeria 'The Third Harmonic'  - lily of the Incas
Alternanthera dentata  - Joseph's coat
Alternanthera ficoidea  - Joseph's coat
Alternanthera PLUM DANDY  - Joseph's coat   ( POM )
Althaea officinalis  - marsh mallow
Alyssum murale  - yellowtuft
Alyssum propinquum  - alyssum
Amaranthus caudatus  - love-lies-bleeding
Amaranthus tricolor  - Joseph's coat
Amelanchier alnifolia 'Regent'  - alder-leaved serviceberry
Amelanchier alnifolia var. pumila  - dwarf serviceberry
Amelanchier arborea  - serviceberry   ( POM )
Amelanchier canadensis  - serviceberry
Amelanchier × grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance'  - apple serviceberry   ( POM )
Amelanchier laevis  - Allegheny serviceberry
Amelanchier lamarckii  - juneberry
Amelanchier nantucketensis  - Nantucket serviceberry
Amelanchier obovalis  - coastal serviceberry
Amelanchier stolonifera  - running serviceberry
Amorpha canescens  - lead plant
Amorpha fruticosa  - false indigo
Amorpha ouachitensis  - Ouachita Mountain leadplant
Amorphophallus konjac  - Devil's tongue   ( POM )
Ampelopsis brevipedunculata  - amur peppervine
Amsonia 'Blue Ice'  - blue star
Amsonia ciliata  - blue star
Amsonia hubrichtii  - blue star   ( POM )
Amsonia illustris  - shining blue star
Amsonia 'Seaford Skies'  - blue star
Amsonia 'Starstruck'  - blue star
Amsonia tabernaemontana  - blue star   ( POM )
Anagallis monelli  - blue pimpernel
Ananas comosus  - pineapple
Ananas comosus var. variegatus  - variegated pineapple
Anaphalis margaritacea  - pearly everlasting
Anaphalis triplinervis  - pearly everlasting
Anchusa azurea  - blue bugloss
Anchusa azurea 'Dropmore'  - blue bugloss
Andropogon gerardii  - big blue stem
Andropogon glomeratus  - bushy bluestem
Anemone blanda  - windflower
Anemone canadensis  - windflower
Anemone coronaria  - windflower
Anemone cylindrica  - windflower
Anemone hupehensis  - Japanese thimbleweed
Anemone × lesseri  - windflower
Anemone narcissiflora  - windflower
Anemone nemorosa  - wood anemone
Anemone nemorosa 'Lychette'  - wood anemone
Anemone parviflora  - small-flowered anemone
Anemone 'Red Riding Hood'  - Japanese anemone
Anemone sylvestris  - snowdrop windflower
Anemone tomentosa  - windflower
Anemone virginiana  - thimbleweed
Angelica archangelica  - garden angelica
Angelica atropurpurea  - masterwort
Angelonia angustifolia  - angelonia
Anigozanthos flavidus  - tall kangaroo paw
Anigozanthos 'Joe Joe Red'  - kangaroo paw
Annona muricata  - soursop
Annona reticulata  - custard apple
Anomatheca laxa  - anomatheca
Anredera cordifolia  - heartleaf madeiravine
Antennaria dioica  - pussytoes
Antennaria neglecta  - prairie everlasting
Antennaria parlinii  - ladies' tobacco
Anthemis tinctoria  - golden chamomile
Anthemis tinctoria 'Charme'  - golden chamomile
Anthemis tinctoria 'Kelwayi'  - Dyer's chamomile
Anthemis tinctoria 'Moonlight'  - golden marguerite
Anthericum liliago  - St. Bernard's lily
Anthurium andraeanum  - anthurium
Anthurium crassinervium  - anthurium
Antigonon leptopus  - coral vine
Antirrhinum majus  - snapdragon
Aphelandra squarrosa  - zebra plant
Apocynum cannabinum  - Indian hemp
Aponogeton distachyos  - Cape pondweed
Aquilegia 'Bunting'  - columbine
Aquilegia caerulea  - columbine
Aquilegia canadensis  - columbine
Aquilegia 'Dove'  - columbine
Aquilegia flabellata  - fan columbine
Aquilegia fragrans  - sweet-scented columbine
Aquilegia glandulosa  - columbine
Aquilegia 'Music Mix'  - columbine
Aquilegia olympica  - columbine
Aquilegia 'Red Hobbit'  - columbine
Aquilegia 'Remembrance'  - columbine
Aquilegia 'Swallowtail'  - columbine
Aquilegia viridiflora  - columbine
Aquilegia vulgaris  - columbine
Arabis alpina  - mountain rockcress
Arabis caucasica  - garden rockcress
Arachis hypogaea  - peanut
Aralia chinensis  - Chinese angelica tree
Aralia cordata  - Japanese spikenard
Aralia cordata 'Sun King'  - Japanese spikenard
Aralia elata  - Japanese angelica tree
Aralia racemosa  - American spikenard   ( POM )
Aralia spinosa  - Devil's walking stick
Araucaria araucana  - monkey-puzzle tree
Araucaria columnaris  - New Caledonian pine
Araucaria heterophylla  - Norfolk Island pine
Arbutus × andrachnoides  - hybrid strawberry tree
Arbutus menziesii  - madrone
Arbutus unedo  - strawberry tree
Arbutus unedo 'Oktoberfest'  - strawberry tree
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi  - common bearberry
Arctotis × hybrida  - African daisy
Ardisia crenata  - hen's eyes
Ardisia elliptica  - shoebutton
Ardisia japonica  - marlberry
Argania spinosa  - Argan tree
Argemone polyanthemos  - prickly poppy
Argyranthemum frutescens  - cobbitty daisy
Argyrocytisus battandieri  - Moroccan broom
Arisaema candidissimum  - striped cobra lily
Arisaema dracontium  - dragon root
Arisaema engleri  - arisaema
Arisaema kishidae 'Silver Pattern'  - Japanese cobra lily
Arisaema kiushianum  - arisaema
Arisaema ringens  - arisaema
Arisaema serratum  - arisaema
Arisaema sikokianum  - Japanese cobra lily
Arisaema thunbergii  - arisaema
Arisaema triphyllum  - jack-in-the-pulpit
Arisarum proboscideum  - mouse plant
Aristea platycaulis  - aristea
Aristolochia clematitis  - birthwort
Aristolochia gigantea  - pelican flower
Aristolochia leuconeura  - birthwort
Aristolochia littoralis  - calico flower
Aristolochia macrophylla  - Dutchman's pipe
Aristolochia tomentosa  - Dutchman's pipe   ( POM )
Armeria maritima  - sea thrift
Armeria maritima 'Alba'  - sea thrift
Armeria 'Nifty Thrifty'  - sea thrift
Armeria trojana  - Turkish alpine thrift
Armoracia rusticana  - horseradish
Arnoglossum atriplicifolium  - pale Indian plantain
Arnoglossum reniforme  - great Indian plantain
Aronia arbutifolia  - chokeberry
Aronia melanocarpa  - black chokeberry
Aronia melanocarpa 'Autumn Magic'  - black chokeberry   ( POM )
Aronia melanocarpa 'Estland'  - black chokeberry
Aronia melanocarpa 'Professor Ed'  - black chokeberry
Aronia melanocarpa var. elata  - black chokeberry
Aronia melanocarpa 'Viking'  - black chokeberry
Aronia × prunifolia  - purple-fruited chokeberry
Artemisia abrotanum  - southernwood
Artemisia absinthium  - wormwood
Artemisia afra  - mugwort
Artemisia californica 'Canyon Gray'  - California sagebrush
Artemisia capillaris  - wormwood
Artemisia dracunculus  - tarragon
Artemisia dracunculus 'Sativa'  - French tarragon
Artemisia frigida  - silky wormwood
Artemisia ludoviciana  - white sage
Artemisia schmidtiana 'Nana'  - silvermound artemisia
Artemisia vulgaris  - mugwort
Arthropodium cirrhatum  - rienga lily
Artocarpus altilis  - breadfruit
Arum italicum  - Italian arum
Aruncus aethusifolius  - goat's beard
Aruncus dioicus  - goat's beard   ( POM )
Aruncus 'Horatio'  - aruncus
Aruncus 'Misty Lace'  - aruncus
Arundina graminifolia  - bamboo orchid
Arundinaria gigantea  - giant cane bamboo
Arundo donax  - giant reed
Asarina procumbens  - trailing snapdragon
Asarum canadense  - wild ginger   ( POM )
Asarum caudatum  - wild ginger
Asarum europaeum  - European wild ginger
Asarum shuttleworthii  - wild ginger
Asclepias curassavica  - blood flower   ( POM )
Asclepias hirtella  - prairie milkweed
Asclepias incarnata  - swamp milkweed   ( POM )
Asclepias incarnata 'Soulmate'  - swamp milkweed
Asclepias purpurascens  - purple milkweed
Asclepias quadrifolia  - fourleaf milkweed
Asclepias speciosa  - showy milkweed
Asclepias sullivantii  - prairie milkweed
Asclepias syriaca  - common milkweed
Asclepias tuberosa  - butterfly weed   ( POM )
Asclepias tuberosa subsp. interior  - butterfly milkweed
Asclepias verticillata  - whorled milkweed
Asclepias viridis  - green milkweed
Asimina triloba  - pawpaw   ( POM )
Asparagus densiflorus  - Sprenger's asparagus fern
Asparagus officinalis  - asparagus
Asparagus retrofractus  - Ming fern
Asparagus setaceus  - asparagus fern
Asperula gussonii  - woodruff
Asperula tinctoria  - woodruff
Asphodeline lutea  - king's spear
Asphodelus albus  - white-flowered asphodel
Aspidistra elatior  - cast-iron plant
Asplenium × ebenoides  - walking spleenwort
Asplenium nidus  - bird's nest fern
Asplenium nidus 'Antiquum'  - bird's nest fern
Asplenium platyneuron  - ebony spleenwort
Asplenium scolopendrium  - hart's tongue fern
Asplenium trichomanes  - maidenhair spleenwort
Aster alpinus  - Alpine aster
Aster 'Celeste'  - michaelmas daisy
Aster tataricus  - tartarian aster
Aster tataricus 'Jindai'  - tatarian aster
Asteriscus maritimus  - gold coin daisy
Astilbe chinensis 'Finale'  - Chinese astilbe
Astilbe chinensis var. davidii  - Chinese astilbe
Astilbe chinensis var. pumila  - Chinese astilbe   ( POM )
Astilbe chinensis 'Visions'  - Chinese astilbe
Astilbe 'Delft Lace'  - astilbe
Astilbe 'Erica'  - astilbe
Astilbe 'Federsee'  - astilbe
Astilbe 'Flamingo'  - astilbe
Astilbe japonica  - Florist's spiraea
Astilbe 'Radius'  - astilbe
Astilbe 'Rheinland'  - astilbe
Astilbe 'Snowdrift'  - astilbe
Astilbe 'Sprite'  - astilbe
Astilboides tabularis  - astilboides
Astragalus bisulcatus  - two-grooved milkvetch
Astragalus canadensis  - milk vetch
Astragalus crassicarpus  - ground plum
Astrantia 'Buckland'  - greater masterwort
Astrantia 'Magnum Blush'  - greater masterwort
Astrantia major  - greater masterwort
Astrantia major 'Claret'  - masterwort
Astrantia major 'Roma'  - masterwort
Astrantia major 'Rubra'  - masterwort
Astrantia major 'Ruby Cloud'  - greater masterwort
Astrantia major 'Venice'  - masterwort
Astrantia 'Snow Star'  - masterwort
Astrantia 'Superstar'  - greater masterwort
Astrophytum myriostigma  - bishop's hat
Athyrium asplenioides  - southern lady fern
Athyrium 'Branford Rambler'  - Japanese painted fern
Athyrium filix-femina  - lady fern
Athyrium filix-femina var. angustum  - northern lady fern
Athyrium 'Ghost'  - lady fern   ( POM )
Athyrium niponicum 'Crested Surf'  - Japanese painted fern
Athyrium niponicum var. niponicum  - painted lady fern
Athyrium niponicum var. pictum  - Japanese painted fern
Athyrium 'Ocean's Fury'  - hybrid painted fern
Athyrium otophorum  - eared lady fern
Athyrium 'Silver Slippers'  - Japanese painted fern
Athyrium vidalii  - lady fern
Atriplex hortensis  - mountain spinach
Atropa belladonna  - deadly nightshade
Aucuba japonica  - spotted laurel
Aucuba japonica 'Picturata'  - spotted laurel
Aucuba japonica 'Variegata'  - spotted laurel
Aurinia saxatilis  - basket-of-gold
Aurinia saxatilis 'Gold Dust'  - basket of gold
Averrhoa carambola  - star fruit
Azara microphylla  - azara
Azara serrata  - saw toothed azara
Azara serrata ANDEAN GOLD  - saw toothed azara
Azolla filiculoides  - water fern