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How can I recycle in my home and at the office?

In the U.S., we throw away enough office paper each year to build a 12-foot high wall from New York to Los Angeles. Recycling just one ton of paper saves the equivalent of 460 gallons of oil and 17 trees, and eliminates 60 pounds of air pollution.

Recycling is a start. But reusing materials and reducing waste is every bit as important as recycling. And it saves money, too!

In the office, managers should examine production and purchasing procedures to see where waste can be reduced or eliminated.

Whenever possible, use repairable, refillable durable products instead of disposable ones. This applies to everything from remanufactured toner cartridges to used furniture.

Use non-toxic or less toxic cleaners. One Minneapolis company changed to a less volatile cleaner and saved $20,000 a year.

The following waste reduction techniques may be followed by everyone in the office:

1. Make double-sided photocopies.

2. Use convenient send-and-return envelopes for billing.

3. Use electronic mail instead of memos.

4. If you do produce memos, circulate and post them instead of making multiple copies.

5. Reuse inter-office envelopes, file folders, boxes and pallets. Use scrap paper for notes and messages.

6. Eliminate unnecessary forms.

The same principles apply to home recycling. First, review your purchasing habits. Eliminate waste by buying items in bulk or with minimum packaging. Examine electronic products and tools carefully when purchasing. Many are manufactured to be non-repairable. This means that the entire product has to be replaced when a part breaks. These products typically display this fact by using rivets instead of screws for fastening. For some other waste reduction tips, listen to message #3932.