In this collection, you will find many of the plants that are housed in our Conservatory and are visited frequently by our butterflies.  In addition, many of the plants in our outdoor  butterfly gardens are also listed.   

The first item for each plant is its Latin name and this link will take you to additional information about the species.

Bougainvillea glabra


Scientific Name: Bougainvillea glabra
Common Name: Bougainvillea
Native Location: South and Central America
Description: Bougainvillea glabra is found throughout South and Central America. It is a shrubby, climbing vine with long, woody spines that act as an aid for climbing. The vibrant colors that it exhibits come from three brilliantly colored bracts that surround rather insignificant flowers. Bougainvillea is often grown as defensive and decorative hedges. The plant in the conservatory is composed of three different Bougainvillea cultivars grafted to a single rootstock. It is a spectacular show when all three cultivars are in bloom!

<i>Bougainvillea glabra</i>