In this collection, you will find many of the plants that are housed in our Conservatory and are visited frequently by our butterflies.  In addition, many of the plants in our outdoor  butterfly gardens are also listed.   

The first item for each plant is its Latin name and this link will take you to additional information about the species.

Asclepias tuberosa


Scientific Name: Asclepias tuberosa
Common Name: Butterfly milkweed
Native Location: The lower 48 States and Canada with exception to a few western states
Description: This perennial plant can grow up to three feet in height, often shrubby or multi-stemmed. The flower is a brilliant orange in a flat cluster at the terminal part of the stem. Seed pods occur after flowering which is characteristic of the milkweed family. Unlike most milkweeds, however, the sap of this plant is not white and milky. Blooms in late spring to summer and sometimes again in the fall. Butterfly milkweed is a host plant plant to the monarch caterpillar as well as a great nectar source for many butterflies and insects.

<i>Asclepias tuberosa </i>