In this collection, you will find many of the plants that are housed in our Conservatory and are visited frequently by our butterflies.  In addition, many of the plants in our outdoor  butterfly gardens are also listed.   

The first item for each plant is its Latin name and this link will take you to additional information about the species.

Helianthus salicifolius


Scientific Name: Helianthus salicifolius
Common Name: Willow-leaved sunflower
Native Location: South central U.S., including Missouri
Description: The narrow, willowy foliage of this sunflower is as attractive as its yellow flowers. The clusters of 2-inch wide flowers appear in late summer and early fall. The flowers are a favorite of bees and butterflies and the later seedheads are a food source for birds. The plants can reach 5-6 feet or more, but can be cut back once or twice in the spring to control the height. It grows best in full sun in medium, well-drained soil. It spreads by rhizomes and can eventually form dense colonies. Willow-leaved sunflower has been designated a Plant of Merit by the Missouri Botanical Garden.

Skipper Butterfly on Willow-leaved Sunflower  Willow-leaved Sunflower  Skipper Butterfly on Willow-leaved Sunflower  Skipper Butterfly on Willow-leaved Sunflower