In this collection, you will find many of the plants that are housed in our Conservatory and are visited frequently by our butterflies.  In addition, many of the plants in our outdoor  butterfly gardens are also listed.   

The first item for each plant is its Latin name and this link will take you to additional information about the species.

Asclepias curassavica


Scientific Name: Asclepias curassavica
Common Name: Blood flower
Native Location: South America
Description: Grown primarily as an annual in the St. Louis area, blood flower grows and blooms continuously in the tropical conservatory at the Butterfly House. Its red and yellow flowers are a great nectar source for butterflies. Grown outside, the leaves are a food source for our native Monarch caterpillars. Blood flower grows best in full sun with medium moisture. In our conservatory it can reach 5 feet tall or taller. More typically, it will grow 2-4 feet in a season. The stems and leaves of blood flower secrete a milky sap which contains cardenolides. Monarchs and other insects feeding on this plant store those chemicals for their own defense.

<i>Asclepias curassavica</i>