In this collection, you will find many of the plants that are housed in our Conservatory and are visited frequently by our butterflies.  In addition, many of the plants in our outdoor  butterfly gardens are also listed.   

The first item for each plant is its Latin name and this link will take you to additional information about the species.

Lantana camara


Scientific Name: Lantana camara
Common Name: Lantana
Native Location: Tropical America
Description: A popular summer annual in St. Louis, Lantana grows year-round in the Butterfly House Conservatory. Its blooms are very attractive to butterflies and a good nectar source. The straight species can grow 3-4 feet tall, but cultures and hybrids available at garden centers come in many shapes, sizes and colors. Often a single flower cluster can have multiple colors within it. Lantana grows best with full sun and medium moisture. It is an invasive plant in some climates.

Lantana camara