Anthropogenic climate change poses a serious threat to plant diversity. In response , CCSD scientists have created novel tools for assessing the effects of climate change on vulnerable plant species.  They have also developed innovative methods for predicting the migratory routes of species in reaction to changing climatic conditions.  These results will help us better allocate effort to areas expected to be important for preserving plant diversity and to species that may not be able to keep pace with shifting climate.  In some cases, species will likely require assistance.   To address this need, CCSD scientists have proposed an innovative plan for the world’s botanical gardens to serve as a migratory “chaperones” for plants in their region while keeping check on problems that may arise as species are moved.  CCSD scientists have also been active in publicizing the severity of threats to biodiversity and have published a study demonstrating that human activities may trigger irreversible tipping points in the biological organization of life on Earth.  This study formed the basis of a policy brief requested by Gov. Jerry Brown (Calif.) and a joint statement signed by 500+ scientists.