Plant Systematics, Conservation Biology, and Ethnobotany


Aaron Floden, Ph.D.

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Investigating allopatric populations of Clinopodium coccineum.
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| Categories: | Tags: Flora of Missouri, Flora of Midwest, Plant Systematics | View Count: (1416)

Aaron Floden, Ph.D.

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Aaron Floden, Ph.D.
Investigating allopatric populations of Clinopodium coccineum.
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| Categories: | Tags: Flora of Missouri, Flora of Midwest, Plant Systematics | View Count: (1716)

Christine Edwards, Ph.D.

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Christine Edwards, Ph.D.
In vitro propagation of the federally endangered Polygala lewtonii.
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| Categories: | Tags: Genetics, Species-level Molecular Systematics | View Count: (2277)

Christine Edwards, Ph.D.

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In vitro propagation of the federally endangered Polygala lewtonii.
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| Categories: | Tags: Genetics, Species-level Molecular Systematics | View Count: (1823)

Thomas B. Croat, Ph.D.

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A revision of Anthurium sect. Calomystrium (Araceae) for Department of Carchi, Ecuador.
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| Categories: | Tags: Plant Systematics, Ecology | View Count: (1475)
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