Plant Systematics, Conservation Biology, and Ethnobotany

Archive by tag: ecologyReturn
How can we design bee-friendly yards?
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| Categories: | Tags: Ecology, Plant-pollinator Interactions | View Count: (547)

Robbie Hart, Ph.D.

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Amazonian Ethnobotany in the Missouri Botanical Garden Collections.
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| Categories: | Tags: Ethnobotany / Ethnobiology, Plant Ecology, Climate Change | View Count: (633)

Matthew Albrecht, Ph.D.

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Abiotic and biotic changes in woodland understories after prescribed fire and Amur honeysuckle removal.
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| Categories: | Tags: Conservation Biology, Endangered Species Recovery, Restoration and Reintroduction Ecology | View Count: (560)

Matthew Albrecht, Ph.D.

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Matthew Albrecht, Ph.D.
Abiotic and biotic changes in woodland understories after prescribed fire and Amur honeysuckle removal.
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| Categories: | Tags: Conservation Biology, Endangered Species Recovery, Restoration and Reintroduction Ecology | View Count: (1243)
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