Research Specialist
Madagascar Ethnobotany Program
Fortunat Rakotoarivony is a Conservation Site Project supervisor and an ethnobotany project coordinator for two conservation sites (Ambalabe and Analavelona) managed by the William L. Brown Center (WLBC) of the Missouri Botanical Garden in Madagascar. He supervises MBG conservation and research activities at the two MBG conservation sites. He also facilitates relations between MBG, local government, and partner organizations. He earned his Agronomy Engineer degree from the Engineer School of Agronomy of the University of Antananarivo. He has more than 17 years of experience in implementing and managing conservation projects and working with rural communities. As an ethnobotany project coordinator for more than 10 years, he coordinates activities related to ethnobotanical research projects and contributes to its success.
email: fortunat.rakotoarivony@mobot.mg