
Green STEM: A traveling STEM program that engages with students throughout the St. Louis region about plants and the natural environment.

The STEM activities were designed for students to explore, create, learn and discover exciting opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Some of the topics include seed dispersal, importance of pollinators, roots of native plants and composting.


Photo credit: Julie Heck


To continue learning about STEM and how it relates to Missouri Botanical Garden, check out the videos below:

Dandelion in seedSeed Dispersal

What characteristics of a seed might help us figure out what the dispersal method is? Can you think of ways that seeds can travel? Discover the way seeds can move with the Interpreters of the Missouri Botanical Garden!

Turtle in pondWetlands

What do you think of when you hear the term ‘wetland’? Learn all about Wetlands with Christie, an Interpreter at the Missouri Botanical Garden. Be sure to download the wetlands observation journal to start making your own field notes the next time you are observing a wetland!

Girl recyclingWhat Makes the Garden Green

We are constantly striving to promote sustainability. Learn all about how the Garden operates to be environmentally responsible. Watch this video to see how we are making these green choices and look for them at your next visit!


How does soil help plants? Download your own soil journal after you learn all about soil from the Garden’s Interpreters! Try out the soil experiment to make your own soil observations at home too!

Monarch butterfly on flowerMonarch Butterflies

Pollinators are important to humans and plants as they can help move pollen from one flower to the next, so plants can produce fruit, seeds and young plants. What pollinators have you seen in your neighborhood? Discover more about monarch butterflies and the role you can play to help their populations by watching this video.

Bee on flowerBeekeeping at the Garden

Did you know that the Missouri Botanical Garden has bees? Learn more about beekeeping in this video and stop by the Kemper Center to continue learning about the bees the next time you visit.


This project is funded by the Employees Community Fund of Boeing, St. Louis-Jefferson Solid Waste Management District and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.

Employees Community Fund of Boeing logo St. Louis-Jefferson Solid Waste Management District logo Missouri DNR logo