Pesticide Classification
__ Herbicide __ Fungicide
_X Insecticide/Miticide
__ Molluscicide __ Repellent
Properties Properties Properties
__ Selective
__ Non-selective

__ Pre-emergent
__ Post-emergent

__ Systemic
__ Contact
__ Broad Spectrum
__ Specific

__ Systemic
__ Non-systemic

__ Protectant
__ Eradicant
_X Synthetic
__ Biological
__ Oil
__ Soap
__ Botanical
__ Other
_X Broad-spectrum
__ Specific

_X Systemic
__ Non-systemic

_X Contact poison
__ Stomach poison
__ Other

Common Brand Names:

Hi Yield Fire Ant Control With Acephate
Orthene (Professional Product)
Orthenex Insect & Disease Control (+ resmethrin, triflorine)
Ortho Total Flower & Rose Care

Chemical Action and Usages: General use organophosphate insecticide. The products listed are all for outdoor use on non-food crops. Orthene controls a wide range of insects, especially aphids on certain ornamental flowers, roses, shrubs and trees. Active ingredient is acephate which is absorbed by plant roots (soil treatment with granulated form) or by foliage (foliar sprays) and translocated throughout the plant. Chewing and/or sucking insects are killed on contact when they feed on plant foliage. Acephate attacks insect nervous systems. Systemic insecticides generally have longer residual persistence than non-systemic. In addition systemics are less subject to breakdown by environmental factors such as rain, wind or sunlight exposure. The Orthenex product also contains resmethrin and triflorine for an expanded label for addition insect and disease control.

Cautions/Instructions: Read the label carefully of the brand and formulation you have selected. Apply the product according to the instructions on the label. Do not apply spray in windy conditions and watch out for drift, particularly into food crop areas. Inadvertently sprayed food crops should be destroyed. Do not apply soil treatment applications around food crops. Do not apply sprays when temperatures are above 85 degrees F.

Toxicity: Moderate to high toxicity to humans (eye and skin irritations) Avoid repeated prolong exposure to the product. Moderate to high toxicity to birds. Low toxicity to fish. Highly toxic to bees and other beneficial insects.