Aronia melanocarpa 'Autumn Magic'
Black chokeberry
Nativar, Plant of Merit
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 3-6' tall, 4-7' wide
Flowers: Clusters of showy white flowers in May
Fruit: Black autumn berries
Fall color: Purple-red
Other notable characteristics: Attracts birds
Hypericum frondosum 'Sunburst'
St. John's wort
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 3-4' tall, 3-4' wide
Flowers: Bright yellow flowers with a dense bushy center
Fruit: Reddish-brown capsules
Foliage: Blue green leaves
Other notable characteristics: Attractive exfoliating reddish-brown to purplish bark develops on mature stems.
Buddleja davidii 'Nanho Purple'
Butterfly bush
Sun: Full sun
Average size: 3-5' tall, 3-5' wide
Flowers: Fragrant, lavender-purple, June to September
Foliage: Gray-green
Other notable characteristics: Attracts butterflies
Ilex verticillata 'Afterglow'
Winterberry holly
Nativar, Plant of Merit
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 3-6' tall, 3-6' wide
Fruit: Orange-red berries attract birds
Other notable characteristics: 'Afterglow' is a female cultivar and requires a male pollinator (such as, 'Jim Dandy') to produce berries.
Callicarpa dichotoma 'Early Amethyst'
Plant of Merit
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 3-4' tall, 4-5' wide
Fruit: Glossy, amethyst-purple fruits in late summer, early fall
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Seward' SUMMER WINE
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 4-6' tall, 4-6' wide
Flowers: Flattened clusters of pinkish white
Foliage: Deeply cut, wine-red foliage
Other notable characteristics: Exfoliating bark on mature branches peels in strips to reveal several layers of reddish to light brown inner bark in winter.
Chaenomeles × superba 'Texas Scarlet'
Flowering quince
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 3-4' tall, 4-5' wide
Flowers: Watermelon red
Fruit: Showy, edible
Foliage: Glossy dark green leaves
Rhododendron 'Delaware Valley White'
Evergreen azalea
Sun: Part shade
Average size: 3-4' tall, 3-4' wide
Flowers: Clusters of white
Foliage: Yellow in winter
Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird'
Sweet pepperbush or summersweet
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 2-4' tall, 3-5' wide
Flowers: Sweetly fragrant white flowers July - August
Fall color: Attractive shades of yellow to golden brown
Other notable characteristics: Attracts butterflies and bees
Rhododendron 'My Mary'
Deciduous azalea
Plant of Merit
Sun: Part shade
Average size: 4-6' tall, 3-5' wide
Flowers: Fragrant, bright yellow with orange tubes
Cornus alba 'Bailhalo' IVORY HALO
Tatarian dogwood
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 4-6' tall, 4-6' wide
Fruit: Showy blue-white fruit in summer attracts birds
Foliage: White edged leaves
Fall color: Purple-red
Other notable characteristics: Bright red winter stems
Rhododendron 'Stewartstonian'
Evergreen azalea
Sun: Part shade
Average size: 4-5' tall, 4-5' wide
Flowers: Orange-red
Foliage: Glossy, dark green foliage is evergreen, but turns reddish-chocolate in cold winters
Cornus sanguinea 'Midwinter Fire'
Bloodtwig dogwood
Plant of Merit
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 5-6' tall, 5-6' wide
Fruit: Attracts birds
Fall color: Golden yellow
Other notable characteristics: Yellow winter stems tipped with red
Rhus typhina 'Bailtiger' TIGER EYES
Staghorn sumac
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 3-6' tall, 3-6' wide
Fruit: Reddish clusters on female plants
Foliage: Bright yellow
Fall color: Orange and scarlet |
Cornus sericea 'Farrow' ARCTIC FIRE
Red twig dogwood
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 3-4' tall, 3-4' wide
Fruit: Blue-white fruit in summer attracts birds
Fall color: red to orange eventually fading to purple
Other notable characteristics: Bright red winter stems |
Rosa 'Meidomonac' BONICA
Shrub rose
Sun: Full sun
Average size: 3-4' tall, 3-5' wide
Flowers: Large profuse clusters of soft pink, fully double
Fruit: Orange hips in fall, persist into winter
Cornus sericea 'Isanti'
Red twig dogwood
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 4-5' tall, 4-7' wide
Fruit: Blue-white fruit in summer attracts birds
Fall color: Red to orange eventually fading to purple
Other notable characteristics: Bright red winter stems
Spiraea japonica 'Goldflame'
Japanese spirea
Sun: Full sun
Average size: 3-4' tall, 3-4' wide
Flowers: Flat-topped clusters of pink
Foliage: Yellow-green
Fall color: Yellow-orange-copper hues
Deutzia gracilis
Slender deutzia
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 2-5' tall, 2-5' wide
Flowers: Fragrant, white
Viburnum carlesii
Koreanspice viburnum
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 4-6' tall, 4-7' wide
Flowers: Extremely fragrant, pink-changing-to-white flowers arranged in snowball-like clusters
Fothergilla 'Mount Airy'
Dwarf fothergilla
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 3-5' tall, 3-5' wide
Flowers: Profuse honey-scented white flowers April-May
Fall color: Yellow, orange and red-purple
Viburnum carlesii 'Compactum'
Koreanspice viburnum
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 2.5-4' tall, 2.5-4' wide
Flowers: Extremely fragrant, pink-changing-to-white flowers arranged in snowball-like clusters
Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'
Smooth hydrangea
Sun: Part shade
Average size: 3-5' tall, 4-6' wide
Flowers: Huge pure white heads for up to 2 months
Foliage: Dark green
Weigela florida 'Alexandra' WINE AND ROSES
Sun: Full sun
Average size: 4-5' tall, 4-6' wide
Flowers: Reddish-pink, funnel-shaped flowers
Foliage: Burgundy-purple
Fall color: Very dark purple
Other notable characteristics: Attracts hummingbirds / Sporadic rebloom
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Flemygea' SNOW QUEEN
Oakleaf hydrangea
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 4-6' tall, 6-8' wide
Flowers: White changing to pink
Foliage: Oak-like, deep green leaves
Fall color: Bronze, maroon or purple
Other notable characteristics: Mature stems exfoliate to reveal a rich brown inner bark which is attractive in winter.
Weigela florida 'Bramwell' FINE WINE
Sun: Full sun
Average size: 2-4' tall, 2-4' wide
Flowers: Rose-pink, funnel-shaped flowers
Foliage: Dark burgundy
Fall color: Dark burgundy
Other notable characteristics: Attracts hummingbirds / Sporadic rebloom

Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet'
Virginia sweetspire
Nativar, Plant of Merit
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 3-4' tall, 4-6' wide
Flowers: Fragrant, white
Fall color: Varying shades of red, orange and gold
Viburnum × burkwoodii 'Conoy'
Burkwood viburnum
Plant of Merit
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 4-5' tall, 4-8' wide
Flowers: Fragrant, creamy white
Fruit: Red berry-like, eventually turning black, attractive to birds
Foliage: Extremely glossy, dark green
Fall color: Maroon |
Buxus 'Green Velvet'
Plant of Merit
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 2-4' tall, 2-4' wide
Foliage: Evergreen
Taxus × media 'Densiformis'
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 3-4' tall, 4-6' wide
Foliage: Evergreen

Juniperus × pfitzeriana 'Sea Green'
Chinese juniper
Sun: Full sun
Average size: 4-6' tall, 6-8' wide
Foliage: Evergreen
Taxus × media 'Wardii'
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Average size: 3-6' tall, 8-20' wide
Foliage: Evergreen