Bernardo, H. L., M. A. Albrecht, and T. M. Knight. 2016. Increased drought frequency alters the optimal management strategy of an endangered plant. Biological Conservation 203: 243-251.
Smith, A. B., Q. G. Long, and M. A. Albrecht. 2016. Shifting targets: spatial priorities for ex situ plant conservation depend on interactions between current threats, climate change, and uncertainty. Biodiversity and Conservation 25: 905-922.
Albrecht, M. A., R. E. Becknell, and Q. Long. 2016. Habitat change in insular grasslands: Woody encroachment alters the population dynamics of a rare ecotonal plant. Biological Conservation 196:93-102.
Lui, S-H, C. E. Edwards, P. C. Hoch, P. H. Raven , and J. C. Barber. The complete plastome sequence of Ludwigia octovalvis (Onagraceae), a globally distributed wetland plant. Genome Announcements 4: e01274-16.
Swift, J.S., S. A. Smith, E. S. Menges, B. Bassüner, and C. E. Edwards. Analysis of mating system and genetic structure in the endangered, amphicarpic plant, Lewton’s polygala (Polygala lewtonii). Conservation Genetics 17: 1269-1284.
Yarkhunova, Y., C. E. Edwards, B.E. Ewers, R. L. Baker, C. R. McClung, P. Lou, and C. Weinig. Selection during crop diversification involves correlated evolution of the circadian clock and ecophysiological traits in Brassica rapa. New Phytologist: 210: 133–144.
Holl, Reid, Chaves-Fallas, Oviedo-Brenes & Zahawi. Local forest restoration strategies affect biodiversity recovery more strongly than does landscape forest cover. Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12814
Fernandez-Barrancos, Reid & Aronson. Tank bromeliad transplants as an enrichment strategy in southern Costa Rica. Restoration Ecology. DOI:10.1111/rec.12463
Reid, Chaves-Fallas, Holl & Zahawi. Tropical forest restoration enriches vascular epiphyte recovery. Applied Vegetation Science 19:508-517. (2016 AVS Editor’s Choice Award)
McAlpine, Catterall, Mac Nally, Lindenmayer, Reid, Holl, Bennett, Runting, Wilson, Hobbs, Seabrook, Cunningham, Moilanen, Maron, Shoo, Lunt, Vesk, Rumpff, Martin, Thomson, & Possingham. Integrating plant- and animal-based perspectives for more effective restoration of biodiversity. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14:37-45.
Reid. Knowledge and experience predict indiscriminate bat killing intentions among Costa Rican men. Biotropica 48:394-404.
Karger, D.N., Cord, A.F., Kessler, M., Kreft, H., Kühn, I., Pompe, S., Sandel, B., Cabral, J.S., Smith, A.B., Svenning, J-C., Tuomisto, H., Weigelt, P., and Wesche, K. Delineating probabilistic species pools in ecology and biogeography. Global Ecology & Biogeography 25:489-501.
Ulrey, C., Quiantana-Ascencio, P.F., Kauffman, G., Smith, A.B., and Menges, E.S. Life at the top: Long-term demography, microclimatic refugia, and responses to climate change for a high-elevation southern Appalachian endemic plant. Biological Conservation 200:80-92.
Hernández-Yáñez*, H., Kos*, J.T., Bast*, M.D., Griggs*, J.L., Hage*, P.A., Killian*, A., Whitmore*, M.B., Loza*, M. L., Smith, A.B. A systematic assessment of threats affecting the rare plants of the United States. Biological Conservation 203:260-267. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2016.10.009 * Student authors
Kitzes, J., Berlow, E., Conlisk, E., Erb, K., Ihara, K., Martinez, N., Newman, E., Plutzar, C., Smith, A.B., and Harte, J. The global wildlife footprint: linking biodiversity loss to economic consumption. Conservation Letters 10:531-538. doi: 10.1111/con4.12321.
Osazuwa-Peters, O. L., I. Jimenez, B. Oberle, C. A. Chapman, A. E. Zanne. Selective logging: do rates of forest turnover in stems, species composition and functional traits decrease with time since disturbance? ─ A 45 year perspective. Forest Ecology and Management 357: 10-21.
Farrington, H., C. E. Edwards, X. Guan, M. Carr, and R.L. Lance. Development and Testing of New Genetic Markers for the Detection of Invasive Bighead and Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis and H. molitrix) DNA in environmental water samples from North America. PLOS one, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117803
Myers, J. A., J. M. Chase, R. M. Crandall, and I. Jiménez. Disturbance alters beta-diversity but not the relative importance of community assembly mechanisms. Accepted. Journal of Ecology.
Tello, J.S., Myers, J.A., Macía, M.J., Fuentes, A.F., Cayola, L., Arellano, G., et al. Elevational gradients in β-diversity reflect variation in the strength of local community assembly mechanisms across spatial scales. PLoS ONE 10, e0121458
Edwards, C. E. Looking to the future of conservation genetics: the case for using quantitative-genetic experiments to estimate the ability of rare plants to withstand climate change. American Journal of Botany: 102: 1011-1013.
Baker, R. L., W.F., Leong, M.T. Brock, R. J. C. Markelz, M.F. Covington, U. K. Devisetty, C. E. Edwards, J. Maloof, S. Welch, and C. Weinig. Modeling development and quantitative trait mapping reveal independent genetic modules for leaf size and shape. New Phytologist 208: 257-268.
Reid. Indicators of success should be sensitive to compositional failures: reply to Suganuma and Durigan. Restoration Ecology 23:519-520.
Reid, Mendenhall, Zahawi, & Holl. Scale-dependent effects of forest restoration on Neotropical fruit bats. Restoration Ecology 23:681-689.
Zahawi, Reid & Holl. Passive restoration can be an effective strategy: a reply to Prach and del Moral. Restoration Ecology 23:347-348.
Zahawi, Dandois, Holl, Nadwodny, Reid & Ellis. Using lightweight unmanned aerial vehicles to monitor tropical forest recovery. Biological Conservation 186:287-295. (2015 Elsevier Atlas Award)
Reid, Holl & Zahawi. Seed dispersal limitations shift over time in tropical forest restoration. Ecological Applications 25:1072-1082.
Sheth, S. N., I. Jiménez and A. L. Angert. Identifying the paths leading to variation in geographical range size in western North American monkeyflowers. Journal of Biogeography 23: 988-999.
Jiménez, I. and R.E. Ricklefs. Diversity anomalies and spatial climate heterogeneity. Global Ecology and Biogeography 41: 2344–2356.
Edwards, C.E., D.L. Lindsay, P. Bailey, and R. Lance. Patterns of genetic diversity in the rare Erigeron lemmoni and comparison with its more widespread congener, Erigeron arisolius (Asteraceae). Conservation Genetics 15: 419-428.
Long, Q., B. L. Foster, and K. Kindscher. Seed and microsite limitations mediate stochastic recruitment in a low-diversity prairie restoration. Plant Ecology DOI 10.1007/s11258-014-0387-y.
Cook, D., S.T. Lee, C.M. Taylor, B. Bassüner, F. Riet-Correa, J.A. Pfister, and D.R. Gardner. Detection of toxic monofluoroacetate in Palicourea species. Toxicon 80: 9-16.
McCulloch, E.S., J.S. Tello, A. Whitehead, C.M.J. Rolón-Mendoza, M.C.D. Maldonado-Rodríguez, and R.D. Stevens. Fragmentation of Atlantic forest does not yet prevent gene flow of a widespread seed-dispersing bat. Molecular Ecology 18: 4619-4633.
Myers, J., J. Chase, I. Jiménez, P. Jørgensen, A. Araujo-Murakami, N. Paniagua-Zambrana, R. Seidel. Beta-diversity in temperate and tropical forests reflects dissimilar mechanisms of community assembly. Ecology Letters 16: 151-157.
Smith, A.B., B. Sandel, N. Kraft, and S. Carey. Characterizing scale-dependent community assembly using the functional-diversity-area relationship. Ecology 94: 2392-2402.
Smith, A.B., M.J. Santos, M.S. Koo, K.C. Rowe, K.M.C. Rowe, J.L. Patton, S. Beissinger, and C. Moritz. Evaluation of species distribution models by resampling of sites surveyed a century ago by Joseph Grinnell. Ecography 36: 1017-1031.
Smith, A.B. On evaluating species distribution models with random background sites in place of absences when test presences disproportionately sample suitable habitat. Diversity and Distributions 19: 867-872.
Smith, A.B. The relative influence of temperature, moisture, and their interaction on range limits of mammals over the past century. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22: 334-343.
Stevens, R.D., J.S. Tello, and M.M. Gavilanez. Stronger tests of the mid-domain effect on latitudinal gradients of biodiversity: insights from the dimensionality of biodiversity. PLoS ONE 8: e56853.
Albrecht, M.A. and J.M. Maschinsky. Influence of founder population size, propagule stages, and life history on the survival of reintroduced plant populations. Pages 171-188 in: J. Maschinski and K.E. Haskins (eds.). Plant reintroduction in a changing climate: promise and perils. Island Press, Washington, DC.
Albrecht, M.A. and J.C. Penagos Z. 2012. Seed germination ecology of three imperiled plants of rock outcrops in the southeastern United States. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 139: 86-95.
Barnosky, A.D., E.A. Hadly, J. Bascompte, E.L. Berlow, J.H. Brown, M. Fortelius, W.M. Getz, J. Harte, A. Hastings, P.A. Marquet, N.D. Martinez, A. Mooers, P. Roopnarine, G. Vermeij, J.W. Williams, R. Gillespie, J. Kitzes, C. Marshall, N. Matzke, D.P. Mindell, E. Revilla, A.B. Smith. 2012. Approaching a state-shift in Earth’s biosphere. Nature 486: 52-58.
Edwards, C.E., T.L. Parchman, and C. Weekley. Assembly, gene annotation and marker development using 454 floral transcriptome sequences in Ziziphus celata (Rhamnaceae), a highly endangered, Florida endemic plant. DNA research 19: 1-9.
Edwards, C.E., B.E. Ewers, C.R. McClung, P. Lou, and C. Weinig. Quantitative variation in water-use efficiency across water regimes in Brassica rapa and its relationship with circadian, ecophysiological, vegetative, and reproductive traits. Molecular Plant 5: 653-668.
Kennedy, K.L., J.M. Maschinski, M.A. Albrecht, S. Dalrymple, and E.O. Guerrant, Jr. Synthesis and future directions in plant reintroduction biology. Pages 265-276 in: J. Maschinski and K.E. Haskins (eds.). Plant reintroduction in a changing climate: promise and perils. Island Press, Washington, DC.
Kindscher, K., Q. Long, S. Corbett, K. Bosnak, H. Loring, M. Cohen, and B. Timmermann. The Ethnobotany and Ethnopharmacology of Wild Tomatillos, Physalis longifolia Nutt., and Related Physalis Species: A Review. Economic Botany 66(3): 298-311.
Lindsay, D.L., C.E. Edwards, M.G. Jung, P. Bailey, and R.F. Lance. Novel microsatellite loci for Agave parryi and cross-amplification in Agave palmeri. American Journal of Botany 99: e295-e297.
Lindsay, D.L., P. Bailey, J.L. Anderson, M.G. Jung, C.E. Edwards, and R.F. Lance. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci for a hyper-rare cliff endemic, Erigeron lemmonii, and a more widespread congener, Erigeron arisolius (Asteraceae). Conservation Genetics Resources 4: 859-862.
Maschinski, J., M.A. Albrecht, L.T. Monks, and K.E. Haskins. Center for Plant Conservation Best Reintroduction Practice Guidelines. Pages 277-306 in: J. Maschinski and K.E. Haskins (eds.). Plant reintroduction in a changing climate: promise and perils. Island Press, Washington, DC.
Morelli, T.L., A.B. Smith, C. Kastely, I. Mastroserio, C. Moritz, and S. Beissinger. Anthropogenic refugia ameliorate the severe climate-related decline of a montane mammal along its trailing edge. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 279: 4279-4286.
Sheth, S., T. Consiglio, L.G. Lohmann, and I. Jiménez. Understanding bias in geographic range size estimates. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 732-742.
Stevens, R.D., M.M. Gavilanez, J.S. Tello, and D.A. Ray. Phylogenetic structure illuminates the mechanistic role of environmental heterogeneity on community organization. Journal of Animal Ecology 81: 455-462.
Tello, J.S. and R.D. Stevens. Murciélagos, características ambientales y efectos de mitad de dominio (Bats, environmental characteristics and mid-domain effects). In: Tirira, D., S. Burneo, and C. Boada (eds.). Investigación y conservación de los murciélagos del Ecuador. PDF
Tello, J.S. and R.D. Stevens. Can stochastic models of geographical evolution recreate macroecological richness-environment correlations? Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 212-223.
Zapata, F. and I. Jiménez. Species delimitation: inferring gaps in morphology across geography. Systematic Biology 61: 179-194.