Plant Systematics, Conservation Biology, and Ethnobotany

Archive by tag: malagasy floraReturn

Rosa del C. Ortiz, Ph.D.

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Rosa del C. Ortiz, Ph.D.
Studies in Malagasy Menispermaceae, a multivariate analysis of Burasaia madagascariensis.
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| Categories: | Tags: Plant Systematics, Neotropical Floristics, Malagasy Flora | View Count: (3861)

James S. Miller, Ph.D.

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James S. Miller, Ph.D.
Description of new species of Malleastrum from Madagascar.
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| Categories: | Tags: Malagasy Flora, Plant Systematics | View Count: (4461)

James S. Miller, Ph.D.

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Description of new species of Malleastrum from Madagascar.
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| Categories: | Tags: Malagasy Flora, Plant Systematics | View Count: (3565)

Rosa del C. Ortiz, Ph.D.

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Studies in Malagasy Menispermaceae, a multivariate analysis of Burasaia madagascariensis.
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| Categories: | Tags: Plant Systematics, Neotropical Floristics, Malagasy Flora | View Count: (3220)
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