
Manuel J. Macía

Associate Professor - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Google Scholar page

Research Interests: My research focuses on the Neotropical region. I am interested in tropical botany, biodiversity, biogeography, floristics and species rarity.

Iván Jiménez

Associate Scientist - Missouri Botanical Garden

Personal Website

Research Interests: I am interested in understanding the determinants of the abundance and distribution of organisms at a variety of spatial scales, ranging from the small extents on which foraging theory focuses, to the broad geographic extents characteristic of macroecology.

J. Sebastián Tello

Assistant Scientist - Missouri Botanical Garden

Personal Website

Research Interests: My research interests are on the study of biodiversity, particularly on the fields of macroecology, community ecology and biogeography. I am interested in mountain systems for studying biogeographic gradients in biodiversity and community assembly.

Alfredo F. Fuentes

Research Associate - Instituto de Ecología. Herbario Nacional de Bolivia

Personal Website

Research Interests: Neotropical floristics and conservation, taxonomy of Cunoniaceae, Apocynaceae, Araliaceae, Cactaceae, Bignoniaceae, Lauraceae, economic botany, landscape ecology, community ecology, briology. Flora of Bolivia. Botanical inventory of the Madidi region.

Leslie Cayola Pérez

Research associate - Instituto de Ecología. Herbario Nacional de Bolivia

Research Interests: Tropical f orests, neotropical floristic, botanical inventory of the Madidi region, community ecology and conservation.

Gabriel Arellano

Associated Researcher -  Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid

Personal Website

Research Interests: Tropical ecology, tropical botany, tropical forests, temperate forests, biodiversity, community ecology, metacommunity ecology, macroecology, biogeography, evolution.


Tatiana B. Miranda 

Responsibilities: Curation of project's herbarium collections; outreach and dissemination of information.




Ana P. Antezana

Responsibilities: Processing and mounting of herbarium collections.




Esther Mosqueira Meneses

Responsibilities: Collection and process of plant functional trait data, entering data into Tropicos, fieldwork

Collaborators & Associated Researchers

Jonathan A. Myers

Associate Professor - Washington University

The Myers Lab. at WashU

Research Interests: I am broadly interested in how scale-dependent mechanisms combine to shape patterns of biodiversity within and across ecological communities.

Amy E. Zanne

Assistant Professor - George Washington University

The Zanne Lab. at GWU

Research Interests: My research focuses on ecological, evolutionary, and biogeographic determinants of species distributions. I do this by measuring physiological, morphological, and anatomical functional traits across many species.