Warm up With a Winter 2021 Green Living Class!

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The Garden offers weekend, evening and weekday classes and programs year-round! Classes are available at our three campuses throughout the St. Louis area: the Missouri Botanical Garden, the Shaw Nature Reserve and the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House. 

Want to Learn + Discover?  You can see ALL upcoming Garden sponsored 'Green Living' classes and more at mobot.org/classes or call (314) 577-9506. We're also highlighting a few of our winter classes with partner organizations for you below!

Understanding the 3Rs: Recycling 101 
Wednesday, February 10
6:30 to 8 p.m.
Online class through Missouri Botanical Garden

The 3Rs is a familiar trio of conservation – reduce, reuse, and recycle – but there are often questions about each of these actions. Why is reducing important if items can be recycled? How can items be reused? What happens after plastic goes into that blue bin? The 3Rs series is designed to help answer these questions and many more. Each class will give you tools you can use immediately after leaving class to help “green” your life. Attend one or all three classes to learn in depth about how you can reduce, reuse, and recycle in your home.

Instructor: Maggie McCoy
Cost: $10 members; $12 nonmembers
Register here!











Indoor Composting: Make and Take Home a Bokashi Bucket
Tuesday, March 2
7 - 8:30 p.m.
Online class offered through St. Louis Community College

Don't throw away those scraps! Up to 20% of household trash can be composted! The quick and convenient Bokashi Bucket system can be used year-round and produces no household odors. During this hands-on session, you'll construct and learn how to maintain an indoor composting system capable of decomposing food and house plant trimmings for a family of four. In a space-saving Bokashi system, effective microorganisms transform all types of kitchen waste into a nutrient-rich soil amendment.

All equipment, materials and handouts provided are included in fee.

Instructor: Maggie McCoy
Cost: $59
Register here! 

Invasive, Native or Exotic- An Ecological View of Plants
Monday, March 22
7-8 p.m. 
Online class offered through St. Louis County Library

Learn how plant choices matter to birds, bugs and people and why some good-looking plants go bad. Teens and adults. Registration required. Participants will receive Zoom information via email immediately after registering.

Instructor: Jean Ponzi
Cost: Free
Register here!

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