Archive by tag: pollinatorsReturn
Gardening to support butterflies and bees has adults and kids all over St. Louis in a nature-happy buzz. What fun to grow native plants and attract cool pollinators! But nature brings mosquitoes too. How can we control the insect pests without harming beneficial bugs? Take three key steps.
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| Categories: Sustainable Solutions Highlights | Tags: pollinators, mosquitoes, pests, home, health, zika, west nile, beneficial insects | View Count: (7550)

Sunflower+ Project: STL Enters Fifth Year

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The Sunflower+ Project: STL is in its fifth year. We began as a winning entry in the St. Louis Land Lab Design Competition – a way to re-think vacant, urban land as an asset rather than a liability. Fruitful collaboration is a large part of what keeps us going long after our two year project was scheduled to conclude. Working with Ames VPA School and the Sweet Potato Project keeps our energy level high. Read more to learn how we turned a vacant urban lot into a productive asset to the community!
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| Categories: Sustainable Solutions Highlights | Tags: sweet potato project, vacant lots, urban planning, north st. louis, sustainability, earthways center, sunflower project, biodiversity, pollinators | View Count: (4382)