Clean Water Professional Development for Educators

The EarthWays Center holds two workshops each year to train educators how to use the EnviroScape and explore other topics related to stormwater management and protecting local waterways from pollution.

Get started in building your knowledge and understanding of stormwater issues in our area at an upcoming teacher workshop. Workshops are designed to help facilitate teachers' desire to learn more about stormwater management and water quality while discovering new ways to bring this topic back to their classroom.

During the workshop we will:

  • Discuss issues related to stormwater management and water quality such as non-point vs. point source pollution, pollution impact, and best management practices for our community
  • Review curriculum ideas that tie to state standards while still providing meaningful, engaging, and hands-on learning opportunities you can do with your students!
  • Train you on how to use the popular EnviroScape watershed model; models are available for loan FREE from the MSD Project Clear Clean Water Education program.
  • Work with staff to learn how to present and use this model in your classroom.

Want to feature EnviroScape training at a professional development opportunity for your school or district? Contact Maggie McCoy at to find out how.

Participating educators* will receive a $100 stipend, digital copies of the MSD Clean Water Education lessons and materials, and a Clean Water Educator Certificate. 

*Educators must teach in a formal setting at a school or district located in MSD's service territory to be eligible for workshop stipend.

There are 2 upcoming workshops. Please note the different locations and times.

  • Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 4:30 to 7 p.m. at Beyond Housing Headquarters, 6505 Wright Way, St. Louis, MO 63121
  • Thursday, July 24, 2025, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Commerce Bank Center for Science Education, 4651 Shaw Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63110

Register for a Workshop!

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The MSD Project Clear Clean Water Program is a program of the Missouri Botanical Garden with support from Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District