The St. Louis Green Business Challenge celebrated it's 10-year anniversary at the Lakeside Cafe of the Saint Louis Zoo. 61 companies, non-profits and governmental bodies completed the Challenge in 2019. In addition to coordinating this program the Garden also participates by advancing sustainability within our operations and programs.
The Missouri Botanical Garden submitted a Champion Innovation Project titled, “Expanding Sustainability Tours at Missouri Botanical Garden”. Highlighted 2019 accomplishments included...
- Creation of a *digital self-guided Garden sustainability tour, planned to lead to several different self-guided sustainability tours in the future that utilize a variety of interpretative resources.
- Built a staff “library” of Garden tour stops featuring sustainability operations and principles.
- Expansion of interpretation at annual Green Living Festival with the creation of a "Sustainability of Historic Homes Quick Reference Guide" for staff and volunteers stationed at the Tower Grove House, highlighting historic green elements and sustainability of Henry Shaw’s historic home.
- Development of a new YouTube sustainability playlist to give the Garden’s 1.44K subscribers easier access to 13 green-themed videos ranging in topics from students conducting school waste audits to an introduction to RainScaping.
Click here to view the Accomplishments and Innovations Challenge Companies made in 2019 (the Garden is featured on page 43).
Pictured left to right, starting with the back row, are simply a few of the many Garden staff that make sustainability a priority every day: Glenda Abney, Rob Kennedy, Sarah Palermo, Joyce Gorrell, Katherine Golden, Angelina O’Donnell, Cassidy Moody; (first row) Haley O'Toole, Morgan Maul-Smith, and Jean Ponzi.
* To find the Garden’s Guide by Cell sustainability tour:
1. Text My Guide to 56512
2. Choose the “Missouri Botanical Garden Sustainability Tour”
The Challenge was launched in 2010 by the St. Louis Regional Chamber of Commerce working with the Missouri Botanical Garden. The Chamber is now out of the program and the Challenge continues as a Garden coordinated offering. The Challenge seeks to engage companies of all kinds with incorporating sustainability strategies, energizing their staff to form green teams, and trimming their bottom line through efficiency measures with consulting, workshops, and seminars. To learn more about the Challenge and how to sign up as a new participant for 2020 click here.