From sustainable gardening practices to nature study and everything in between—the Missouri Botanical Garden offers a full range of classes for adults, families and children of all ages.
The Garden offers weekend, evening and weekday classes and programs year-round! Classes are available at our three campuses throughout the St. Louis area: the Missouri Botanical Garden, the Shaw Nature Reserve and the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House.
Want to Learn + Discover? Fall registration is open. You can see ALL upcoming classes at or call (314) 577-9506. We're highlighting two of our classes for you below!

Indoor Composting: Make and Take Home a Bokashi Bucket
Wednesday, September 9
7 to 8:30 p.m.
Online class, details to come for material pick up before or after the class (either works!).
Join EarthWays Center staff for a compost class through St. Louis Community College. The bokashi bucket system, which can be used year-round, is quick, convenient and produces no household odors. In this hands-on session, construct and learn to maintain an indoor composting system capable of decomposing food and house plant trimmings for a family of four. In a space-saving bokashi system, effective microorganisms transform all types of kitchen waste into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. All equipment, materials and handouts provided and included in fee. You’ll create a working indoor composting system in the form of a bokashi bucket.
Instructor: Maggie McCoy
$59 AGE 60+ | $59 REG
Registration for this virtual program is through St. Louis Community College. Register here! Registration deadline 9/1. No refunds after this date. Course meets the curriculum requirements for the Master Naturalist program.

Monarchs and Mosquitoes
Wednesday, September 9
6:30 to 8 p.m.
Online Class
Apply Insect Ecology to control pests while protecting pollinators! Presenter "Green Jean" Ponzi from the Garden's EarthWays Center covers insect specialists and problem species, habitat restoration, public health agency protocols and how YOU can help maintain safe, healthy habitat around your home, and in your community. Understanding the ecological bonds between insects and native plants - and protocols of our public health agencies - can help every gardener control mosquito breeding while also inviting and supporting pollinators. This class plants fun, facts and biodiverse motivation into issues that can bug us!
Instructor: Jean Ponzi
$21 members; $25 nonmembers
Registration end date: 9/ 8 at 5 pm. Register here! Simply search for "Monarchs and Mosquitoes" to locate this Green Living class.