The St. Louis Healthy Homes & Energy Efficiency Coalition - Spring Update

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The EarthWays Center is proud to be an active member of the St Louis Healthy Homes and Energy Efficiency Coalition (STL HHEEC). Staffer Richard Reilly also serves on the Coalition Steering Committee and is leading efforts to secure funding for a new program to more closely align healthy homes and energy efficiency initiatives.

The coalition is comprised of a strong group of engaged stakeholders, including the City of St. Louis Department of Health, St. Louis County Department of Public Health, Asthma Foundation, Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, Community Action Agency of St. Louis County, Spire, and many others. They seek to build bridges across silos of professionals doing a variety of in-home assessments, be they health or energy related, so home dwellers benefit from all the services available to their families. Learn more via a temporary placeholder website.


The new program, for which they are seeking funding, and for which the EarthWays Center will serve as the lead applicant will bring a software/survey program to the region so professionals working in the field, whether in person, or virtually, can make referrals to other participating agencies for whom a client might qualify for services and specific needs. In order to make this program more effective they will train home health professionals in energy efficiency basics and energy auditors in home health principles. They are also working with like-minded colleagues in Kansas City, MO to coordinate and share data so policy makers can make more informed decisions. This will expand the new program’s impact from local to statewide in ways they believe will drive systemic change and lead to the reduction of disparate outcomes in the social determinants of health and energy burden.


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