Sustainability Detectives on the Move

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Sustainability Detectives on the Move

Our work in sustainability, like all the best programs, revolves around engagement in a process of continual improvement. Our buildings and the ways they are used are subject to a wide variety of factors. This includes changes in equipment, energy efficiency upgrades, adding employees, computers, and workstations, to mention a few ways we are a dynamic and active place to be.

Increased measuring, so we can improve managing buildings, operations, and policies, has come into more detailed focus with the addition of Elijah Narimalla (enarimalla@mobot.org) as our Sustainability Data Coordinator. As an intern in 2023, he led the collection and input of data to complete our first Greenhouse Gas Inventory for our buildings and campus within the City of St. Louis. We will be working on a deeper dive, with increased and improved data gathering for our second inventory in the coming year. If you are interested in learning what it takes to produce a greenhouse gas inventory for your facility please contact us; we would be happy to share our experience and process to help get you started. 

Elijah’s dedicated eyes on the data have led to our pending ENERGY STAR recertification for the Commerce Bank Center for Science Education and our upcoming submittal for the Bertha Pfautch Annex Building, an office space we have on Tower Grove Avenue. ENERGY STAR certified buildings save energy, save money, and help protect the environment by generating fewer greenhouse gas emissions than typical buildings. To be certified as ENERGY STAR, a building must meet strict energy performance standards set by EPA.


The chart above illustrates the Energy Star score trend for the Commerce Bank education building, showcasing its performance over the past few years, normalized for climate and operational characteristics.

2024 promises to be a significant year for increases in documented, positive outcomes in energy efficiency, water use, electric vehicle charging stations, and waste management. Stay tuned for future updates.

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