Archive by tag: simon warrenReturn

Investigating Energy at Pattonville Schools

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Students in the Pattonville School District are becoming “energy investigators” with the help of EarthWays Centers education team. As part of their Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education, Pattonville invited EarthWays staff to work with students to develop a comprehensive curriculum that includes mapping out an energy lesson plan and teaching the students about energy: where it comes from, how it fits into our everyday lives, and how it impacts the environment. St...
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| Categories: Sustainable Solutions Highlights | Tags: Pattonville, STEM, energy curriculum, alternative energy, energy, energy education, kat golden, sustainability schools, simon warren | View Count: (4335)

Welcome to the team, Simon!

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Look for a new face at EarthWays: We recently welcomed Simon Warren as our new Education and Volunteer Coordinator. Simon brings great experience to our team: He helped to prepare the City of New Orleans’ greenhouse gas inventory and worked with biogas projects in Yunnan province in the People’s Republic of China; conducted research to identify risks to the use and supply of metals, and was an 8th grade science teacher and science content facilitator in Memphis, Tennessee. A native N...
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| Categories: Sustainable Solutions Highlights | Tags: Simon Warren, education, volunteer, EWC Staff | View Count: (3580)