Teachers working togetherInvestigate Green Schools is a historic EarthWays Center program. During the Investigate Green Schools program students and teachers participated in hands-on activities to study energy, resource consumption, and indoor environmental quality at their schools and then became Green School Ambassadors to promote district-wide adoption of energy-efficient policies and upgrades.

Some of our past Investigate Green Schools participants include:

  • St. Michael School
  • St. Elizabeth Academy
  • Windsor Middle School


Custom Sustainability Professional Development

EarthWays Center can work with teaching teams, schools, or school districts to build connections to sustainability in curriculum, campus operations, and school culture. Learning opportunities help educators and school administrators build knowledge and understanding of sustainability and education for sustainability concepts through hands-on activities, discussion, and group reflection exercises. 

Workshops such as Thinking Beyond the 3Rs, Energy Efficiency, and MSD Clean Water can also be brought to your group as a custom experience to help educators learn more about specific sustainability topics including waste, recycling, composting, stormwater pollution, energy efficiency, and sustainability 101. 

Pricing varies depending on the size of the group and length of professional development experience. For more information contact the Sustainability Education team at earthways.edu@mobot.org or call (314) 577-0207.


Show-Me Green Schools

Green Schools employ practices to reduce environmental impacts and costs, improve health and wellness, and foster effective place-based education. They are healthy, high performing places that yield better learning for students, more effective teachers, fiscal responsibility, and resource conservation while engendering hope, connection, and agency in young learners.

Many schools want to go green, but don’t know how to start. Show-Me Green Schools, a suite of three free programs co-managed by Missouri Gateway Green Building Council and Missouri Environmental Education Association, provide structure, resources, and recognition to support every Missouri PreK–12 school in becoming a green school—no matter their starting place.

Missouri Botanical Garden is a supporter of the Show-Me Green Schools program. Learn more at showmegreenschools.org.