2021 Virtual School Program Opportunities

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There are plenty of virtual opportunities that can build your classroom's sustainability knowledge. All programs have suggested grade levels, but programs can be modified to be appropriate for different age groups. Contact Maggie McCoy, EarthWays Center's Education Coordinator, at mmccoy@mobot.org to book your program today!

New EWC Programs for 2021:

Full Circle Stories (Grades 3-8)
Explore the definition of sustainability and how students can use stories as a way to encourage others to be sustainable. Students will write a creative short story about the adventure of one item from production to recycling or disposal.

Recycling Science (Grades 6-12)
Learn how Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) and manufacturers use science and engineering to separate and recover materials. See how physics and chemistry are creating a more sustainable world!

Green or Greenwashing? (Grades 6-12)
In this program, students are encouraged to put on their critical and conscientious consumer thinking caps! They will be equipped to evaluate product labeling with a series of informed questions and empowered by their opportunity to make impactful choices as consumers.

Sustainability Shark Tank (Grades 6-12)
Are you ready to use your creativity to create a new recycled product? In this class, students will learn about the three-legged stool of sustainability (People, Planet, and Prosperity) and use that framework to develop a new product out of recycled material.

EWC Classic Programs:

Living the 3Rs (Grades K-5)
The 3Rs are a great way to conceptualize actions that help the environment. In this lesson, students will discuss what can and cannot be recycled, as well as ways to reduce and reuse these items.

Decomposer Detectives (Grades K-5)
Composting is a great way to teach students about natural life cycles. In this lesson, students learn the basics of composting through reading a book and asking questions. Then, students are able to see this process in action through observing an active vermicomposting (worm compost) bin.

Garbology 101 (Grades K-8)
Use a 3D tabletop model to explore the engineering and design of modern landfills in order to better understand where our garbage goes when we throw things away and the importance of 3Rs practices.

All the above programs are FREE to schools in St. Louis City, St. Louis County, St. Charles County, and Jefferson County through funding from the St. Louis-Jefferson Solid Waste Management District.


MSD Clean Water Programs are presented in partnership with MSD’s Project Clear. These programs are free if you are located within MSD’s service territory.

EnviroScape Presentation
Learn how everyone plays a role in keeping water clean. See how pollution enters our streams and rivers and what you can do in your own neighborhood to help using the popular EnviroScape® Watershed model. Teachers can borrow the model for demonstrations or EarthWays can provide a virtual demonstration.

Storm Drain Marking
We provide all the tools and equipment your group needs to help put knowledge into action. MSD's Storm Draining Marker Program provides a visible reminder of the consequences of improper waste disposal, and helps communicate to the community that storm drains can carry pollution to area rivers and streams. Great for school projects, scouts, and community groups! Opportunities to participate in the program begin in March 2021.

Contact Maggie at mmccoy@mobot.org to schedule your program today!

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