Green That Works—Profitably!

The Garden's business partnerships across our regional economy are cultivating sustainable thinking and action in the workplace. Through workplace talks, participating in Green Business events and ongoing consulting relationships, we provide practical Green resources structured for use in large and small business environments.

St. Louis Green Business Challenge

St. Louis Green Business Challenge logoThrough the St. Louis Green Business Challenge, staff of Missouri Botanical Garden’s EarthWays Center works with companies to integrate sustainability into practices and policies. Launched in 2010, originally in partnership with the St. Louis Regional Chamber, the Challenge works with corporations, locally owned businesses, non-profits and city and county governments to support voluntary efforts by each participant to ”green up” the kinds of everyday operations common to every business. Services include site visits, customized coaching, networking and professional development programs, access to resources shared by Challenge company Green Teams, annual awards and more. Each year, the Challenge Accomplishment Book documents achievements that save energy and water, reduce waste, promote sustainable transportation, cultivate healthy working spaces, and boost site biodiversity. By advancing ”Triple Bottom Line” practices, the Challenge network is growing a regional business culture that strategically prioritizes social and environmental as well as fiscal benefits. Learn more at