Plant Selection Resources

  • Chapter 2: Rain Gardening and Stormwater Management [pdf] (see pages 23–31)
  • Chapter 4: Landscaping with Native Plants [pdf] (see pages 24–34)
    which includes plants for:
    • Native Groundcovers (see pages 25–26)
    • Clay Soil Conditions
    • Screening and Hedges
    • Limestone Soils (pH 7.5 or higher)
    • Acidic Soils (pH 5.5 or lower)
    • Full Shade/Rich, Moist Soil
    • Part Shade/Dry Soil
    • Well-drained Dry or Rocky Soil in Sun
    • Deer Resistant Native Plants
    • Seeding Guide Resources
  • Metropolitan Sewer District Rain Garden Plant Lists:
  • Shaw Nature Reserve’s list of Top Performing Native Plants for Home Landscapes [pdf]
  • Our Plant Suggestions Lists:
    These plant lists contain suggestions for native plants appropriate to plant in and around rain gardens, bioswales, low wet areas, woodlands, and for landscaping alternatives to lawn grass. One list below is for areas that are typically moist and the other is for the surrounding, drier landscape:


Plant ID Resources


Seeding Guide

Shaw Nature Reserve Native Landscaping Manual:


Soil Testing Resources

  • To determine how quickly water can drain in your soil, visit the Missouri Botanical Garden’s instructions on how to conduct a percolation test.


Composting Resources

From the University of Missouri Extension:

From Missouri Botanical Garden's William T. Kemper Center for Home Gardening:


Erosion & Sediment Control Resources

GeoJute and other erosion blankets, both biodegradable and permanent are available from:

ASP Enterprises
1099 Cassens Industrial Ct.
Fenton, MO 63026
Phone: (800) 869-9600

Eco Constructors
Phone: (636) 561-3158

Hummerts International
4500 Earth City Expressway
Earth City, MO 63045
Phone: (800) 325-3055

Straw wattles and compost sock check dams are available from:

ASP Enterprises
1099 Cassens Industrial Ct.
Fenton, MO 63026
Phone: (800) 869-9600

Eco Constructors
Phone: (636) 561-3158


Green Roof Resources


Permeable Paver Resources


Rainwater Harvesting Resources


Lawn Management Resources


Woodland Restoration Resources


Additional Resources

  • Rainscaping Cost Comparison Presentation

  • Grow Native!
    Grow Native! provides individuals, organizations, schools and government agencies with information, education and training materials that help them discover and use native plants. Local native plant suppliers are also listed.
  • Bring Conservation Home (St. Louis Audubon Society)
    The St. Louis Audubon Society's Bring Conservation Home program offers advice in landscaping with environmentally healthy and sustainable native plant species, the removal of invasive plant species such as bush honeysuckle, water conservation on the urban landscape and other stewardship practices that promote healthy habitat for birds, native wildlife and people.
  • Rain Garden Design: Site Selection and Sizing Guide
    This interactive pdf guide from University of Nebraska–Extension provides basic information you should know before constructing a rain garden.
  • iNaturalist
    iNaturalist helps you identify the plants and animals around you while generating data for science and conservation.
  • Tried and True: Missouri Native Plants For Your Yard by Barbara Fairchild
    This publication lists more than 100 Missouri native plants for your yard with detailed information and characteristics on each plant.

  • Native Landscaping for Wildlife and People by Dave Tylka
    This book offers numerous ideas for enjoying nature around your home while benefiting wildlife and beautifying your property.