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Porter P. Lowry II, Ph.D. Porter P. Lowry II, Ph.D.
Emeritus Researcher (former Director of the Africa & Madagascar Program)

Research Associate, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
Honorary Research Associate, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Biology, University of Missouri-St. Louis

St. Louis address:
office phone: + 1 (314) 577-9453

Missouri Botanical Garden
4344 Shaw Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63110

Paris address:
Institut de Systématique, Évolution et Biodiversité (ISYEB)
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
Case Postale 39
57 rue Cuvier
75231 Paris CEDEX 05
office phone: 33-1-40-79-33-51

Ph.D., Washington University, St. Louis, 1986
M.S., University of Illinois, 1982
B.S., University of Illinois, 1978
Systematics of Apiales (Araliaceae, Myodocarpaceae, Pittosporaceae) – taxonomy, phylogeny, biogeography, morphology, breeding systems Systematics of Diospyros (Ebenaceae) Flora and vegetation of Madagascar Flora and vegetation of New Caledonia Application of taxonomic information to conservation planning and management
For Dr. Lowry's complete CV with list of publications, click here (Adobe Acrobat Reader required).
Research Emphases Taxonomy of Araliaceae. Floristic treatments: New Caledonia, Madagascar; revisions: Polyscias, genera formerly comprising Schefflera sensu lato, including Astropanax, Cephalopanax, Neocussonia, and Sciodaphyllum (with G. M. Plunkett and others), Meryta (with F. Tronchet), etc. Phylogeny of Araliaceae: relationships within expanded Polyscias and the clades comprising formerly comprising Schefflera sensu lato; analysis of basally branching lineages, relationships within Araliaceae and Apiales (with G. M. Plunkett and others) Taxonomy, phylogeny, and conservation of Diospyros (ebonies) from Madagascar (with A. Linan and H. Rakouth), and more broadly through the Ebenaceae Global Conservation Consortium (also with C. Puglisi and others) Flora of Madagascar: revisions of selected genera; assessments of conservation status (with P. B. Phillipson, A. Randrianasolo, and others)
Selected Publications Carey, S.B., L. Aközbek, J.T. Lovell, J. Jenkins, A.L. Healey, S. Shu, P. Grabowski, A. Yocca, A. Stewart, T. Jones, K. Barry, S. Rajasekar, J. Talag, C. Scutt, P.P. Lowry II, J. Munzinger, E.B. Knox, D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis, J. Grimwood, J. Schmutz, J. Leebens-Mack and A. Harkess. 2024. ZW sex chromosome structure 1 in Amborella trichopoda. Nature Plants 2024 ( Lowry, P.P., II, D.A. Neill, C. Rodrigues-Vaz & G.M. Plunkett. 2024. Studies in Neotropical Araliaceae. X. Four new species of Sciodaphyllum P. Browne from southern Ecuador, each named in honor of a Danish botanist. Nordic J. Bot. 2024: e04608 (early online) ( Roberts, M.W., D. Schuurman, P.P. Lowry II, L Wilmé and P.O. Waeber. 2024. Madagascar’s proposed domestic rosewood trade undermines species protection and exposes fatal flaws in the CITES regime. Madag. Conserv. Dev. 19 (early view) ( Scott, T., P.P. Lowry II and A. Randrianasolo. 2024. Ellipanthus conduplicatus, a new endemic species of Connaraceae from Madagascar. Novon 32: 147–154 ( Lowry, P.P., II and E. Bidault. 2024. Araliaceae. Fl. Gabon 66: 1–14. Naturalis Biodiversity Center (Leiden) and Jardin botanique de Meise. Linan, A.G., H.N. Rakouth, M. Rabarimanarivo, G.E. Schatz and P.P. Lowry II. 2024. Taxonomic studies of Diospyros L. (Ebenaceae) from the Malagasy region. X. Synoptic revision of the Tetraclis group. Candollea 79: 129–169 ( Lowry, P.P., II, G.M. Plunkett and W.L. Wagner. 2024. Polyscias munroi (Araliaceae), a new name for a distinctive Hawaiian endemic. Brittonia 76: 80–82 ( Mestre Serra, E., P.P. Lowry II, N. Meeprom, H.N. Rakouth, A.G. Linan, M. Rabarimanarivo and C. Puglisi. 2024. Taxonomic studies of Diospyros (Ebenaceae) from the Malagasy Region. X. Diospyros madagascariensis, a new combination for the Malagasy populations previously included in D. ferrea. Novon 32: 46–51 ( Rakotonirina, N., M. M. Nowak, P. P. Lowry II, H. N. Rakouth and B. R. Rakouth. 2024. Will Dalbergia species survive climate change? Predicting the potential future distribution of threatened species in Madagascar. Global Ecol. Conserv. 52: e02936 ( Farminhão, J., M. Savignac, V. Droissart, P. P. Lowry II, N. Rajaonarivelo, B. Ramandimbisoa, S. Verlynde, A. Todivelo and T. Stévart. 2024. A new threatened orchid species in Madagascar with an extraordinarily long nectar spur expands Darwin’s famously predicted pollination guild. Current Biol. 34: R189–R190 ( Rakouth, H.N., R. Randrianaivo, S. Andrianarivelo, D. A. Karatra, M. Nombajanahary, S. Andriamiadana, R. L. Andriamiarisoa, R. Bernard, R. Razakamalala, S. Andriambololonera, B. Rakouth and P. P. Lowry II. 2023. Taxonomic studies of Diospyros L. (Ebenaceae) from the Malagasy region. IX. Clarification of species limits between D. clusiifolia and D. fuscovelutina, and establishment of a new combination based on a name previously placed in synonymy, Tetraclis baronii H. Perrier. Novon 31: 156–162 ( Waeber, P. O., M. W. Roberts, D. Schuurman, V. Nijman, G. Wittemyer, C. V. Barber, J. L. Innes, P. P. Lowry II and L. Wilmé. 2023. Gaps in CITES policy undermine conservation of threatened species by providing loopholes for illegal trade. BioScience, biad040 ( Rakotonirina, N., P. B. Phillipson, S. Crameri, N. Wilding, P. P. Lowry II, B. Rakouth and R. Razakamalala. 2023. Taxonomic studies on Malagasy Dalbergia L. f. (Fabaceae). IV. A new species from central and southern Madagascar and a narrowed circumscription for D. emirnensis. Novon 31: 73–87 ( Swenson, U., B. Lepschi, P. P. Lowry II, M. H. Terra-Araujo, K. Santos, S. Nylinder and A. Alves-Araújo. 2023. Reassessment of generic boundaries in Neotropical Chrysophylloideae (Sapotaceae): Eleven reinstated genera and narrowed circumscriptions of Chrysophyllum and Pouteria. Taxon 72: 307–359 ( Joyce, E. M., M. S. Appelhans, S. Buerki, M. Cheek, J. de Vos, J. R. Pirani, A. R. Zuntini, J. B. Bachelier, M. J. Bayly, M. W. Callmander, M. F. Devecchi, S. K. Pell, M. Groppo, P. P. Lowry II, J. Mitchell, C. M. Siniscalchi, J. Munzinger, H. K. Orel, C. M. Pannell, L. Nauheimer, H. Sauquet, A. Weeks, A. N. Muellner-Riehl, I. Leitch, O. Maurin, F. Forest, K. Nargar, K. R. Thiele, W. J. Baker and D. M. Crayn. 2023. Comprehensive phylogenomic analyses of Sapindales support a Mid-Cretaceous Hothouse origin, with rapid diversification events and heterogeneous paralogy. Front. Pl. Sci. 14 ( Butaud, J.-F., J. Florence, P. P. Lowry II and F. Tronchet. 2023. Une nouvelle espèce de Meryta (Araliaceae) de l’archipel des Tuamotu en Polynésie française. Adansonia, sér. 3, 45: 61–71 ( F. O. D. Andrianambinina, P.O. Waeber, D. Schuurman, P. P. Lowry II and L. Wilmé. 2022. Clarification on protected area management efforts in Madagascar during periods of heightened uncertainty and instability. Madag. Cons. Dev. 17: 25–28 (DOI: Ralimanana, H., A. L. Perrigo, R. J. Smith … P. P. Lowry II … and A. Antonelli. 2022. Madagascar’s extraordinary biodiversity: Threats and opportunities. Science 378 ( Antonelli, A., R. J. Smith, A. L. Perrigo … P. P. Lowry II … and H. Ralimanana. 2022. Madagascar’s extraordinary biodiversity: Evolution, distribution, and use. Science 378 ( Roberts, M. A., D. Schuurman, P. P. Lowry II, A. N. A. Ratsifandrihamanana, S. V. Rafanomezantsoa, P. O. Waeber and L. Wilmé. 2022. CITES must urgently take the steps to save Madagascar’s unique species of rosewood and ebony. Madag. Conserv. Dev. 17: 6–8 ( Locatelli, E. R., D. E.G. Briggs, A. Leslie, J. Munzinger, P. Grandcolas, P. P. Lowry II, D. J. Cantrill, P. Maurizot, D. Cluzel, N. Folcher, R. Garouste and A. Nel. 2022. Leaves in iron oxide: remarkable preservation of a Neogene flora from New Caledonia. Palaios 37 : 622–632 ( Crameri, S., P. B. Phillipson, N. Rakotonirina, N. Wilding, R. L. Andriamiarisoa, P. P. Lowry II and A. Widmer. 2022. Taxonomic studies on Malagasy Dalbergia L. f. (Fabaceae). III. Two new species from southeastern Madagascar and an emended description of the rosewood species D. maritima R. Vig. Syst. Bot . 47: 397–416 ( Linan, A. G., P. P. Lowry II, A. J. Miller, G. E. Schatz, J.-C. Sevathian and C. E. Edwards. 2022. Interspecific hybridization and island colonization history, not rarity, most strongly affect the genetic diversity in Diospyros, a clade of Mascarene-endemic trees. J. Heredity 113: 336–352 ( Texier, N., O. Lachenaud, E. Bidault, A. Boupoya, G. Fadeur, O. Hardy, P. P. Lowry II and T. Stévart. 2022. Characteristics and determinants of endemic plant species in the Gabonese Area of Endemism. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 107: 1–20 ( N. A. Sandratriniaina, R. N. Ramanantsialonina, B. Rakouth, P. P. Lowry II, M. C. Wiemann, J. C. Hermanson, F. Lens and B. H. Ravaomanalina. 2021. Comparative wood anatomy of 15 Malagasy Diospyros species (Ebenaceae). IAWA Journal 43: 116–135 ( Idárraga-Piedrahíta, Á., J. Jiménez-Montoya, P. P. Lowry II, M. M. Mora and G. M. Plunkett. 2021. Two New Species of Sciodaphyllum (Araliaceae) from the Andes of northwestern Colombia. Novon 29: 211–220 ( Garrouste, R., J. Munzinger, A. Leslie, J. Fisher, N. Folcher, E. Locatelli, W. Foy, T. Chaillon, D. J. Cantrill, P. Maurizot, D. Cluzel, P. P. Lowry II, P. Crane, J.-J. Bahain, P. Voinchet, H. Jourdan, P. Grandcolas and A. Nel. 2021. New fossil discoveries illustrate the diversity of past terrestrial ecosystems in New Caledonia. Sci. Rep. 11: 18388 ( Linan, A. G., P. P. Lowry II, A. Miller, G. E. Schatz, J.-C. Sevathian and C. E. Edwards. 2021. RAD-sequencing reveals patterns of diversification and hybridization, and the accumulation of reproductive isolation in a clade of partially sympatric, tropical island trees. Mol. Ecol. 30: 4520–4537. ( Schatz, G. E., P. P. Lowry II and H. N. Rakouth. 2021. Taxonomic studies of Diospyros L. (Ebenaceae) from the Malagasy region. VIII. New species from the humid littoral forests of eastern Madagascar. Novon 29: 159–187 ( Neill, D. A., P. P. Lowry II, G. M. Plunkett, M. M. Mora, E. Merino, M. Asanza and L. Jost. 2021. Studies in Neotropical Araliaceae. IX. Four new species of Sciodaphyllum P. Browne from the Cordillera Abitagua, eastern Andes of Ecuador. Novon 29: 118–131 ( Senterre, B., P. P. Lowry II, E. Bidault and T. Stévart. 2021. Ecosystemology: a new approach toward a taxonomy of ecosystems. Ecol. Complexity 47: 100945 (early on-line) ( Wilding, N., P. B. Phillipson, S. Crameri, S. Andriambololonera, R. L. Andriamiarisoa, S. A. F. Andrianarivelo, R. Bernard, N. Rakotonirina, C. Rakotovao, R. Randrianaivo, R. Razakamalala and P. P. Lowry II. 2021. Taxonomic studies on Malagasy Dalbergia L.f. (Fabaceae). I. Two new species from northern Madagascar, and an emended description for D. manongarivensis. Candollea 76: 237–249 ( Schatz, G. E., P. P. Lowry II, H. N. Rakouth and R. Randrianaivo. 2021. Taxonomic studies of Diospyros L. (Ebenaceae) from the Malagasy region. VI. New species of large trees from Madagascar. Candollea 76: 201–236 ( Buerki, S., M. W. Callmander, P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, P. P. Lowry II, J. Munzinger, P. Bailey, O. Maurin, G. Brewer, N. Epitawalage, W. J. Baker and F. Forest. 2021. An updated infra-familial classification of Sapindaceae based on targeted enrichment data. Amer. J. Bot. 108: 1234–1251 ( Zotz, G., F. Almeda, A. Bautista, A. Eskov, D. Giraldo-Cañas, B. Hammel, R. Harrison, N. Köster, T. Krömer, P. P. Lowry II, R. C. Moran , G. M. Plunkett and T. Weichgrebe. 2021. Hemiepiphytes revisited. Persp. Plant Ecol., Evol. Syst. 51, 125625 (early on-line) ( Linan, A. G., P. P. Lowry II and G. E. Schatz. 2021. Taxonomic studies of Diospyros (Ebenaceae) from the Malagasy region. VII. Revision of Diospyros section Forbesia in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 106: 72–110 ( Texier, N. G. Dauby, E. Bidault, P. P. Lowry II, D. Ikabanga and T. Stévart. 2021. An efficient method for defining plant species under High Conservation Value (HCV) criterion 1 based on the IUCN Red List criteria: a case study using species endemic to Gabon. J. Nature Conserv. 62 ( Rodrigues-Vaz, C. G. M. Plunkett and P. P. Lowry II. 2021. Studies in Neotropical Araliaceae. VIII. Three new species of Sciodaphyllum P. Browne (Araliaceae) with globose capitate inflorescences from Ecuador and Peru. Brittonia 73: 262–273 ( Plunkett, G. M., P. P. Lowry II and D. A. Neill. 2021. Studies in Neotropical Araliaceae. VII. Two new genera, Cephalopanax and Frodinia, to accommodate the remaining species of Neotropical Schefflera. Brittonia 73: 251–261 ( Buerki, S., J. Munzinger, P. P. Lowry II and M. W. Callmander. 2020. Two new genera of Sapindaceae (Cupanieae) from the southern Pacific: Lepidocupania and Neoarytera. Candollea 75: 269–284 ( Schatz, G. E., P. P. Lowry II and P. B. Phillipson. 2020. Taxonomic studies of Diospyros L. (Ebenaceae) from the Malagasy region. V. Synoptic revision of the Bernieriana group in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands. Candollea 75: 203–218 ( Swenson, U., P. P. Lowry II, B. Cronholm and S. Nylinder. 2020. Resolving the relationships of the enigmatic Sapotaceae genera Beauvisagea Pierre and Boerlagella Pierre ex Cogn., and the position of Planchonella suboppositifolia H. J. Lam. Taxon 69: 998–1015 ( Lowry II, P. P. and G. M. Plunkett. 2020. Resurrection of the genus Heptapleurum Gaertn. for the Asian clade of species previously included in Schefflera J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. (Araliaceae). Novon 28: 143–170 ( Schatz, G. E. and P. P. Lowry II. 2020. Taxonomic studies of Diospyros L. (Ebenaceae) from the Malagasy region. IV. Synoptic revision of the Squamosa group in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands. Adansonia, sér. 3, 42: 201–218 ( Vorontsova, M. S., P. P. Lowry II, L. Wilmé, A. Rasolohery, R. Govaerts, S. Ficinski and A. M. Humphreys. 2020. Data inequality in plant diversity knowledge and unrecorded plant extinctions: an example from the grasses of Madagascar. Plants, People, Planet 2020; 00:1–16 ( Lowry II, P. P., M. W. Callmander and R. Spichiger. 2020. Polysciadis (Araliaceae) species nova e Madagascaria in honorem Luciani Bernardii, felsinei nominata. Candollea 75: 107–114 ( Mora, M. M., P. P. Lowry II, G. M. Plunkett, Á. Idárraga-Piedrahíta, J. Jiménez-Montoya and P. H. Raven. 2020. Studies in Neotropical Araliaceae. V. Sciodaphyllum zarucchii (Araliaceae), a new species from Antioquia, Colombia, honoring James L. Zarucchi (1952-2019). Novon 28: 94–99 ( Mora, M. M., P. P. Lowry II and G. M. Plunkett. 2020. Studies in Neotropical Araliaceae. IV. Three new species of Sciodaphyllum P. Browne from the eastern Andes of Central Peru. Novon 28: 75–84 ( Munzinger, J., P. P. Lowry II, M. W. Callmander and S. Buerki. 2020. A new micro-endemic species of Alectryon (Sapindaceae) from Koghis Forest, New Caledonia. Syst. Bot. 45: 156–162 ( Plunkett, G. M., P. P. Lowry II, P. Fiaschi, D. G. Frodin and A. N. Nicolas. 2020. Phylogeny, biogeography, and morphological evolution among and within the Neotropical and Asian clades of Schefflera (Araliaceae). Taxon 68: 1278–1313 ( Fiaschi, P., P. P. Lowry II and G. M. Plunkett. 2020. Studies in Neotropical Araliaceae. III. Resurrection of the New World genus Didymopanax Decne. & Planch., previously included in Schefflera J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. (Araliaceae). Brittonia 72 16–22 ( Lowry, P. P., II, G. M. Plunkett and D. A. Neill. 2019. Studies in Neotropical Araliaceae. II. Resurrection of the Neotropical genus Crepinella Marchal for a clade of New World species previously included in Schefflera J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. (Araliaceae). Novon 27: 253–261 ( Lowry, P. P., II, G. M. Plunkett, M. M. Mora, A. Cano, P. Fiaschi, D. G. Frodin, R. E. Gereau, Á. Idárraga-Piedrahíta, J. Jiménez-Montoya, J. M. Mendoza F., O. Rivera-Diaz and C. Rodrigues-Vaz. 2019. Studies in Neotropical Araliaceae. I. Resurrection of the genus Sciodaphyllum P. Browne to accommodate most New World species previously included in Schefflera J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. Brittonia 71 (early on-line: Stévart, T. S., G. Dauby, P. P. Lowry II, A. Blach-Overgaard, V. Droissart, D. J. Harris, B. A. Mackinder, G. E. Schatz, B. Sonké, M. S. M. Sosef, J-C. Svenning, J. J. Wieringa and T. L. P. Couvreur. 2019. A third of the tropical African flora is potentially threatened with extinction. Sci. Adv. 5 (11), eaax9444 ( Lowry, P. P. II, G. E. Schatz, C. Birkinshaw and P. Antilahimena. 2019. Melanophylla dianeae (Torricelliaceae), a new, critically endangered species from a remnant forest fragment in east-central Madagascar. Novon 27: 205–210 ( Pillon, Y., D. A. González, H. Randriambanona, P. P. Lowry II, T. Jaffré and S. Merlot. 2019. Parallel ecological filtering of ultramafic soils in three distant island floras. J. Biogeogr. 46: 2457–2465 ( Linan, A. G., G. E. Schatz, P. P. Lowry II, A. Miller and C. E. Edwards. 2019. Ebony and the Mascarenes: the evolutionary relationships and biogeography of Diospyros L. (Ebenaceae) in the western Indian Ocean. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 190: 359–373 ( Lowry, P. P., II and G. M. Plunkett. 2018 (publ. 2019). Myodocarpaceae. Pp.527–532 in: J. W. Kadereit and V. Bittrich (eds.), The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. Vol. 15. Apiales, Gentianales (except Rubiaceae). Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Plunkett, G. M., Q.-Y. Xiang, P. P. Lowry II and G. E. Schatz. 2018 (publ. 2019). Torricelliaceae. Pp. 549–556 in: J. W. Kadereit and V. Bittrich (eds.), The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. Vol. 15. Apiales, Gentianales (except Rubiaceae). Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Plunkett, G. M., J. Wen, P. P. Lowry II, A. D. Mitchell, M. J. Henwood and P. Fiaschi. 2018 (publ. 2019). Araliaceae. Pp. 413–446 in: J. W. Kadereit and V. Bittrich (eds.), The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. Vol. 15. Apiales, Gentianales (except Rubiaceae). Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Waeber, P. O., D. Schuurman, B. Ramamonjisoa, M. Langrand, C. V. Barber, J. L. Innes, P. P. Lowry II and L. Wilmé. 2018. Uplisting of Malagasy precious woods critical for their survival. Biol. Conserv. 135: 89–92 ( Lowry, P. P., II, P. B. Phillipson, L. Andriamahefarivo, G. E. Schatz, F. Rajaonary and S. Andriambololonera. 2018. Flora. Pp. 243–255 in S. M. Goodman, M. J. Raherilalao and S. Wohlhauser (eds.), The terrestrial protected areas of Madagascar: Their history, description, and biota. Association Vahatra, Antananarivo. Schatz, G. E. and P. P. Lowry II. 2018. Taxonomic Studies of Diospyros L. (Ebenaceae) from the Malagasy Region. III. New Species from the Island of Nosy Mangabe in the Bay of Antongil. Novon 26: 272–286. Schatz, G. E. and P. P. Lowry II. 2018. Novitates neocaledonicae. IX. Taxonomic notes on New Caledonian Diospyros (Ebenaceae) with new synonymy and the description of two new species. Candollea 73: 91–100 ( Simo-Droissart, M. G. M. Plunkett, V. Droissart, M. B. Edwards, J. N. M. Farminhão, V. Jecmenica, T. D’haijère, P. P. Lowry II, B. Sonké, C. Micheneau, B. S. Carlsward, L. Azandi, S. Verlynde, O. J. Hardy, F. Martos, B. Bytebier, E. Fischer and T. Stévart. 2018. New phylogenetic insights toward developing a natural generic classification of African angraecoid orchids (Vandeae, Orchidaceae). Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 126: 241–249 ( Randrianasolo, A., P. B. Phillipson, P. P. Lowry II & M. Möller. 2018. Streptocarpus peltatus (Gesneriaceae), a distinctive new species from southeastern Madagascar. Novon 26: 22–27. Edwards, C. E., B. Bassüner, C. Birkinshaw, C. Camara, A. Lehavana, P. P. Lowry II, J. S. Miller, A. Wyatt and P. Wyse Jackson. 2018. Phylogenetic analysis of ex situ collections of unknown origin leads to the rediscovery of the presumed-extinct Dracaena umbraculifera. Oryx 52 (DOI: Randrianasolo, A, P. P. Lowry II and G. E. Schatz. 2017. Taxonomic treatment of Abrahamia Randrian. & Lowry, a new genus of Anacardiaceae from Madagascar. Boissiera 71: 1–149. Dauby, G, T. Stévart, V. Droissart, A. Cosiaux, V. Deblauwe, M. Simo-Droissart, M. S. M. Sosef, P. P Lowry II, G. E. Schatz, R. E. Gereau and T. Couvreur. 2017. ConR: an R package to assist large scale multi-species preliminary conservation assessments using distribution data. Ecol. Evol. 7: 11292–11303 (DOI: Buerki, S., P. P. Lowry II, J. Munzinger, M. Tuiwawa, A. Naikatini and M. Callmander. 2017. Alectryon vitiensis: A new species of Sapindaceae endemic to Fiji. Novon 25: 421–429 (DOI: Del Rio, C., S. Hennequin, G. Rouhan, A. Ebihara, P. P. Lowry II, J.-Y. Dubuisson and M. Gaudeul. 2017. Origins of the fern genus Hymenophyllum (Hymenophyllaceae) in New Caledonia: Multiple independent colonizations from surrounding territories and limited in situ diversification. Taxon 66: 1041–1064 (DOI: Lowry, P. P., II, G. M. Plunkett, M. R. Gostel and D. G. Frodin. 2017. A synopsis of the Afro-Malagasy species previously included in Schefflera J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. (Araliaceae): resurrection of the genera Astropanax Seem. and Neocussonia (Harms) Hutch. Candollea 72: 265–282 (DOI: Gostel, M. R., G. M. Plunkett and P. P. Lowry II. 2017. Straddling the Mozambique Channel: molecular evidence for two major clades of Afro-Malagasy Schefflera (Araliaceae) co-occurring in Africa and Madagascar. Pl. Ecol. Evol. 150: 87–108 (DOI: Schatz, G. E, R. E. Gereau and P. P. Lowry II. 2017. A revision of the endemic Malagasy genus Beguea (Sapindaceae). Candollea 72: 45–65 (DOI: Le Bras, G., M. Marc Pignal, M. L. Jeanson, S. Muller, C. Aupic, B. Carré, G. Flament, M. Gaudeul, C. Gonçalves, V. R. Invernón, F. Jabbour, E. Lerat, P. P. Lowry II, B. Offroy, E. Pérez Pimparé, O. Poncy, G. Rouhan and T. Haevermans. 2017. The French Muséum national d’histoire naturelle vascular plant herbarium collection dataset. Sci. Data 4:170016. Karpunina, P. V., A. A. Oskolski, M. S. Nuraliev, P. P. Lowry II, G. V. Degtjareva, T. H. Samigullin, C. M. Valiejo-Roman and D. D. Sokoloff. 2016. Gradual versus abrupt reduction of carpels in syncarpous gynoecia: a case study from Polyscias subg. Arthrophyllum (Araliaceae: Apiales). Amer. J. Bot. 103: 2028–2057 (DOI: Simo-Droissart, M., B. Sonké, V. Droissart, D/ Geerinck, P. P. Lowry II and T. Stévart. 2016. A taxonomic revision of Angraecum section Dolabrifolia (Orchidaceae, Angraecinae), with the description of a new species from Gabon. Phytotaxa 280: 81–115 (DOI: Aubriot, X., A. Soulebeau, T. Haevermans, G. E. Schatz, C. Cruaud and P. P. Lowry II. 2016. Molecular phylogenetics of Sarcolaenaceae 1 (Malvales), Madagascar’s largest endemic plant family. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. (early on-line publication). Liu, M., G. M. Plunkett, P. P. Lowry II, B.-E. Van Wyk, P. M. Tilney and A. N. Nicolas. 2016. The phylogenetic significance of fruit and trichome structures in Apiaceae subfamily Mackinlayoideae. Syst. Bot. 41: 685–699 (DOI: Waeber, P. O., L. Wilmé, J.-R. Mercier, C. Camara and P. P. Lowry II. 2016. How effective have thirty years of internationally driven conservation and development efforts been in Madagascar? PLoS ONE 11(8): e0161115. ( Wilmé, L., P. O. Waeber, F. Moutou, C. J. Gardner, O. Razafindratsima, J. Sparks, C. A. Kull, B. Ferguson, W. R. Lourenço, P. D. Jenkins, L. Ramamonjisoa, D. A. Burney and P. P. Lowry II. 2016. A proposal for ethical research conduct in Madagascar. Madagascar Conserv. Develop. 11: 36–39. Hassold, S., P. P. Lowry II, M. Bauert, A. Razafintsalama, L. Ramamonjisoa and A. Widmer. 2016. DNA barcoding of Malagasy rosewoods: towards a molecular identification of CITES-listed Dalbergia species. PLoS ONE ( Munzinger, J., P. P. Lowry II, S. Buerki and M. Callmander. 2016. A taxonomic revision of the endemic New Caledonian genus Storthocalyx Baill. (Sapindaceae). Syst. Bot. 41: 387–400 (DOI: Wahlert, G. A., P. B. Phillipson, D. J. Mabberley and P. P. Lowry II. 2016. Grewia hispidissima Wahlert, Phillipson & Mabb., sp. nov. (Malvaceae, Grewioideae): a new species restricted range from northwestern Madagascar. Adansonia, sér. 3, 38: 117–121 (DOI: Simo-Droissart, M., B. Sonké, V. Droissart, C. Micheneau, P. P. Lowry II, O. Hardy, G. M. Plunkett and T. Stévart. 2016. Morphometrics and molecular phylogenetics of Angraecum section Dolabrifolia (Orchidaceae, Angraecinae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 302: 1027–1045 (DOI: Andriamihajarivo, T., P. P. Lowry II and G. E. Schatz. 2016. Endemic families of Madagascar. XIV. A new restricted range species of Pentachlaena (Sarcolaenaceae) from central Madagascar. Candollea 71: 167–172 (DOI: Bidault, E., P. P. Lowry II & T. Stévart. 2016. Polystachya orophila (Orchidaceae, Polystachynae), a new species from tropical West Africa, and clarification on the nomenclature and taxonomy of P. microbambusa. Phytotaxa 260: 247–257 (DOI: Miller, J. S., P. P. Lowry II, J. Aronson, S. Blackmore, K. Havens, and J. Maschinski. 2016. Conserving biodiversity through ecological restoration: the potential contributions of botanical gardens and arboreta. Candollea 71: 91– 98. (DOI: Soulebeau, A., R. Pellens, P. P. Lowry II, X. Aubriot, M. E. K. Evans and T. Haevermans. 2016. Conservation of phylogenetic diversity in Madagascar’s largest endemic plant family, Sarcolaenaceae. Pp. 355–374 in: R. Pellens and P. Grandcolas (eds.), Biodiversity Conservation and Phylogenetic Systematics: Preserving Our Evolutionary Heritage in an Extinction Crisis. Topics in Biodiversity and Conservation , Vol. 14. Springer Cham: Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London. Wahlert, G. A., P. B. Phillipson and P. P. Lowry II. 2015. A new species of Grewia L. (Malvaceae, Grewioideae) from northeastern Madagascar. Candollea 70: 201–205 (DOI: Idárraga, A. P. P. Lowry II and J. E. De Gracia Cruz. 2015. A new, restricted range species of Dendropanax (Araliaceae) from the Caribbean slope of Panama. Novon 24: 165–169 (DOI: Liu, M., B.-E. van Wyk, P. M Tilney, G. M. Plunkett, P. P. Lowry II and A. R. Magee. 2016. The phylogenetic significance of fruit structural variation in the tribe Heteromorpheae (Apiaceae). Pak. J. Bot. 48: 201–210. Hardner, J. J., R. E. Gullison and P. P. Lowry II. 2015. Offsets: Conservation served by flexibility. Nature 524: 415 (DOI: Swenson, U., J, Munzinger, P. P Lowry II, B. Cronholm and S. Nylinder. 2015. Island life - classification, speciation, and cryptic species of Pycnandra (Sapotaceae) in New Caledonia. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179 (early publication: DOI: 10.1111/boj.12308). Alvarado, S. T., E. Buisson, S. M. Carrière, H. Rabarison, C. Rajeriarison, M. Andrianjafy, F. M. Randriatsivery, M. H. Rasoafaranaivo, J. Raharimampionona, P. P. Lowry II and C. Birkinshaw. 2015. Achieving sustainable conservation in Madagascar: the case of the newly established Ibity Mountain Protected Area. Tropical Cons. Sci. 8: 367–395. Callmander, M. W., J. Munzinger, S. Buerki and P. P. Lowry II. 2015. Novitates neocaledonicae II: Acropogon moratianus (Malvaceae, Sterculieae): a rare and endangered new species from New Caledonia. Adansonia, sér. 3, 37: 131–137. Rabarimanarivo, M. N., N. H. Rakotonirina, P. B. Phillipson, P. P. Lowry II, J.-N. Labat and M. Pignal. 2015. Révision du genre Ivodea Capuron (Rutaceae), endémique de Madagascar et des Îles Comores. Adansonia, sér. 3, 37: 63–102. Randrianasolo, A. and P. P. Lowry II. 2015. A new species of Operculicarya H. Perrier (Anacardiaceae) from western dry forests of Madagascar. Candollea. 70: 57–60. Alvarado, S. T., E. Buisson, H. Rabarison, C. Rajeriarison, C. Birkinshaw and P.P. Lowry II. 2015. Effects of heat on the germination of sclerophyllous forest species in the highlands of Madagascar. Austral Ecol. (early publication: DOI: 10.1111/aec.12227). McPherson, G. and P. P. Lowry II. 2014. Hooglandia McPherson & Lowry. Pp. 256–262 in: H. C. F. Hopkins, Y. Pillon & R. Hoogland, Cunoniaceae. Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et Dépendances, Publ. Scientifiques du Muséum, IRD Éditions, Paris. Lowry, P. P., II, L. Nusbaumer, A. Randrianasolo, G. E. Schatz and C. Hong-Wa. 2014. Endemic families of Madagascar. XIII. New, restricted range species of Eremolaena Baill. and Schizolaena Thouars (Sarcolaenaceae). Candollea 69: 183–193. Pierre, A.-H. G. Le Moguédec, P. P. Lowry II and J. Munzinger. 2014. Multivariate morphometric analysis and species delimitation in the endemic New Caledonian genus Storthocalyx (Sapindaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 176: 127–146. Alvarado, S.T., E. Buisson, H. Rabarison, C. Rajeriarison, C. Birkinshaw, P.P. Lowry II and L.P.C. Morellato. 2014. Fire and the reproductive phenology of endangered Madagascar sclerophyllous tapia woodlands. S. Afr. J. Bot. 94: 79–87. Evans, M., X. Aubriot, D. Hearn, M. Lanciaux, S. Lavergne, P. P. Lowry II and T. Haevermans. 2014. Insights on the evolution of plant succulence from a remarkable radiation in Madagascar (Euphorbia). Syst. Biol. 63: 697–711. Schlessman, M. A., L. B. Vary, J. Munzinger and P. P. Lowry II. 2014. Incidence and evolution of dioecy in the island flora of New Caledonia. Int. J. Plant. Sci. 175: 271–286. Aubriot, X., P. P. Lowry II and T. Haevermans. 2014. Taxonomic revision of the Malagasy endemic and enigmatic Euphorbia sect. Pachysantha (Euphorbiaceae). Phytotaxa 159: 221–235. Blasiak, L. C., A. Schmidt, H. Andriamiarinoro, T. Mulaw, R. Rasolomampianina, W. L. Applequist, C. Birkinshaw, F. Rejo-Fienena, P. P. Lowry II, T. M. Schmidt and R. T. Hill. 2014.  Bacterial communities in Malagasy soils with differing levels of disturbance affecting botanical diversity. PLoS ONE 9: 85097. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0085097 Munzinger, J., P. P. Lowry II, M. W. Callmander and S. Buerki. 2013. A taxonomic revision of the endemic New Caledonian genus Podonephelium Baill. (Sapindaceae). Syst. Bot. 38: 1105–1124. Schatz, G. E. and P. P. Lowry II. 2013. Two more new species of Prockiopsis (Achariaceae) from Madagascar. Candollea 68: 277–283. Birkinshaw, C., P. P. Lowry II J. Raharimampionona and J. Aronson. 2013.  Supporting Target 4 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation by integrating ecological restoration into the Missouri Botanical Garden’s conservation program in Madagascar. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 99: 129–138. Alvarado, S.T., E. Buisson, H. Rabarison, C. Rajeriarison, C. Birkinshaw and P. P. Lowry II. 2013. Comparison of plant communities on two quartzitic massifs in Madagascar (Ibity and Itremo) with contrasting conservation histories and current status. Pl. Ecol. Divers. ( Simo-Droissart M., Micheneau, C., B. Sonké, V. Droissart, G. M. Plunkett, P. P. Lowry II, O. J. Hardy and T. Stévart. 2013. Morphometrics and molecular phylogenetics of the continental African species of Angraecum section Pectinaria (Orchidaceae). Pl. Ecol. Evol. 146: 295–309. Randrianasolo, A., P. P. Lowry II, G. E. Schatz, P. B. Phillipson and G. Wahlert. 2013. The lianescent species of Grewia L. (Malvaceae s. l.) in Madagascar. Adansonia, sér. 3, 35: 77–85. Schori, M., P. P. Lowry II and G. E. Schatz. 2013. A revision of the genus Grisollea (Stemonuraceae). Syst. Bot. 38: 497–506. Lowry, P. P. II, G. M. Plunkett and D. G. Frodin. 2013. Revision of Plerandra A. Gray (Araliaceae). I. A synopsis of the genus with an expanded circumscription and a new infrageneric classification. Brittonia 65: 42–61. Aubriot, X., P. P. Lowry II, C. Cruaud, A. Couloux and T. Haevermans. 2013. DNA barcoding in a biodiversity hotspot: potential value for the identification of Malagasy Euphorbia L. listed in CITES Appendices I and II. Mol. Ecol. Resources 13: 57–65. Ly, N.-S., C. K. Lê., T. D. Tri?, A. Haevermans, P. P. Lowry II and T. Haevermans. 2012. A distinctive new species of wild banana (Musa, Musaceae) from Northern Vietnam. Phytotaxa 75: 19–32. Callmander, M. W., P. P. Lowry II, F. Forest, D. Devey, H. Beentje & S. Buerki. 2012. Benstonea Callm. & Buerki (Pandanaceae): characterization, circumscription, and distribution of a new genus of screw-pines, with a synopsis of accepted species. Candollea 67: 323–345. Liu, M., G. M. Plunkett, B.-E. van Wyk, P. M Tilney and P. P. Lowry II. 2012. The phylogenetic significance of the carpophore in Apiaceae. Ann. Bot. 110: 1531–1543. Callmander, M. W., P. B. Phillipson and P. P. Lowry II. 2012. Novelties from the Northern Mountains Complex of Madagascar. III. Two new species of Turraea L. (Meliaceae). Adansonia, sér. 3, 34 : 93-102. Plunkett, G. M. and P. P. Lowry II. 2012. Phylogeny and diversification in the Melanesian Schefflera Clade (Araliaceae) based on evidence from nuclear rDNA spacers. Syst. Bot. 37: 279-291. Buerki, S., F. Forest, M. W. Callmander, P. P. Lowry II, D. S. Devey and J. Munzinger. 2012. Phylogenetic inference of New Caledonian lineages of Sapindaceae: molecular evidence requires a reassessment of generic circumscriptions. Taxon 61: 109-119. Schatz, G. E. and P. P. Lowry II. 2011. Nomenclatural notes on Malagasy Diospyros L. (Ebenaceae). Adansonia, sér. 3, 33: 271-281. Goldblatt, P., J. C. Manning, J. Munzinger and P. P. Lowry II. A new native family and new species for the flora of New Caledonia: Patersonia neocaledonica (Iridaceae: Patersonioideae), from the Mount Humboldt massif. Adansonia, sér. 3, 33: 201-208. Callmander, M. W. and P. P. Lowry II. 2011. Deux nouvelles espèces du Massif du Panié (Nouvelle-Calédonie): Meryta rivularis Lowry (Araliaceae) et Pandanus taluucensis Callm. (Pandanaceae). Candollea 66: 263-272. Vary, L. B., D. L. Gillen, M. Randrianjanahary, P. P. Lowry II, A. K. Sakai and S. G. Weller. Dioecy, monoecy and their ecological correlates in the littoral forest of Madagascar. Biotropica 43: 582-590. Tronchet, F. and P. P. Lowry II. 2011. A new species of Meryta (Araliaceae) from the Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia. In: D. H. Lorence and W. L. Wagner (eds.), Botany of the Marquesas Islands: new taxa, combinations, and revisions. PhytoKeys 4: 149-156. Barrabé, L., A. Mouly, P. P. Lowry II and J. Munzinger. 2011. Reinstatement of the endemic New Caledonian genus Thiollierea Montrouz. (Rubiaceae) necessitated by the polyphyly of Bikkia Reinw. as currently circumscribed. Adansonia, sér. 3, 33: 115-134. Callmander, M. W., P. B. Phillipson, G. E. Schatz, S. Andriambololonera, M. Rabarimanarivo, N. Rakotonirina, J. Raharimampionona, C. Chatelain, L. Gautier and P. P. Lowry II. 2011. The endemic and non-endemic vascular flora of Madagascar updated. Plant Ecol. Evol. 144: 121-125. Buerki, S., P. P. Lowry II, S. Andriambololonera, P. B. Phillipson, L. Vary and M. W. Callmander. 2011. How to kill two genera with one tree: clarifying generic circumscriptions within an endemic Malagasy clade of Sapindaceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc 165: 223-234. Randrianasolo, A. and P. P. Lowry II. 2010. A new species of Ellipanthus (Connaraceae) from humid forest in eastern Madagascar. Adansonia, sér. 3, 32: 229-233. Frodin, D. G., P. P. Lowry II and G. M. Plunkett. 2010. Schefflera (Araliaceae): taxonomic history, overview and progress. Plant Div. Evol. 128: 561-595. Liu, M., G. M. Plunkett and P. P. Lowry II. 2010. Fruit anatomy provides structural synapomorphies to help define Myodocarpaceae (Apiales). Syst. Bot. 35: 675-681. Lowry, P. P., II and G. M. Plunkett. 2010. Recircumscription of Polyscias (Araliaceae) to include six related genera, with a new infrageneric classification and a synopsis of species. Plant. Div. Evol. 128: 55-84. Plunkett, G. M. and P. P. Lowry II. 2010. Paraphyly and polyphyly in Polyscias sensu lato: molecular evidence and the case for recircumscribing the "pinnate genera" of Araliaceae. Plant. Div. Evol. 128: 23-54. Buerki, S., P. P. Lowry II, N. Alvarez, S. G. Razafimandimbison, P. Küpfer and M. W. Callmander. 2010. Phylogeny and circumscription of Sapindaceae revisited: molecular sequence data, morphology and biogeography support recognition of a few family, Xanthoceraceae. Plant Ecol. Evol. 143: 148-159. Buerki, S., P. P. Lowry II, P. B. Phillipson and M. W. Callmander. 2010. Molecular phylogenetic and morphological evidence supports recognition of Gereaua, a new endemic genus of Sapindaceae from Madagascar. Syst. Bot. 35: 172-180. Ramananjanahary, R. H., C. L. Fraiser, P. P. Lowry II, F. A. Rajaonary and G. E. Schatz. 2010. Madagascars Endemic Plant Families: Species Guide. Missouri Botanical Garden Madagascar Research and Conservation Program, Antananarivo, Madagascar. 150p. Jaffré, T., J. Munzinger and P. P. Lowry II. 2010. Threats to the conifer species found on New Caledonias ultramafic massifs and proposals for urgently needed measures to improve their protection. Biodiv. & Conserv. 19: 1485-1502. Sun, B.-L., C.-Q. Zhang, P. P. Lowry II and J. Wen. 2009. Cryptic dioecy in Nyssa yunnanensis (Nyssaceae), a critically endangered species from tropical eastern Asia. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 96: 672-684. Buerki, S., M. W. Callmander, P. P. Lowry II and P. B. Phillipson. 2009. A synoptic revision of the genus Lepisanthes Blume (Sapindaceae) in Madagascar. Adansonia, sér. 3, 31: 301-309. Callmander, M. W., C. Rakotovao, J. Razafitsalama, S. Buerki, C. Hong-Wa, N. Rakotoarivelo, S. Andriambololonera, M. Koopman, D. M. Johnson, T. Deroin, R. Andriamandranto, S. Solo, P. B. Phillipson, J.-N. Labat and P. P. Lowry II. 2009. New species from two unknown and highly threatened mountainous areas in north-western Madagascar: the Galoka and Kalabenono massifs. Candollea 64: 179-202. Rabehevitra, D. and P. P. Lowry II. 2009. Endemic families of Madagascar. XI. A new critically endangered species of Schizolaena (Sarcolaenaceae) from tapia woodland in South-Central Madagascar. Adansonia, sér. 3, 31: 149-155. Randrianasolo, A. and P. P. Lowry II. 2009. Four new species and one new combination in the Malagasy endemic genus of Micronychia Oliv. (Anacardiaceae). Adansonia, sér. 3, 31: 157-168. Schuurman, D. and P. P. Lowry II. 2009. The Madagascar rosewood massacre. Madagascar Conserv. Develop. 4: 98-102. Liu, M., B.-E. van Wyk, P. M Tilney, G. M. Plunkett and P. P. Lowry II. 2009. Evidence from fruit structure supports the circumscription of Apiaceae subfamily Azorelloideae. Plant Syst. Evol. 280: 1-13. Lowry, P. P., II, F. Randriatafika and J. Rabenantoandro. 2008. Conservation status of vascular plant species from the QMM/Rio Tinto mining area at Mandena, Tolagnaro (Fort Dauphin) region, southeast Madagascar. Madagascar Conserv. Develop. 3: 55-63. Swenson, U., P. P. Lowry II, J. Munzinger, C. Rydin and I. V. Bartish. 2008. Phylogeny and generic limits in the Niemeyera complex of New Caledonian Sapotaceae: evidence of multiple origins of the anisomerous flower. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 49: 909-929. Munzinger, J., G. D. McPherson and P. P. Lowry II. 2008. A second species in the endemic New Caledonian genus Gastrolepis (Stemonuraceae) and its implications for the conservation status of high altitude maquis vegetation: coherent application of the IUCN Red List criteria is urgently needed in New Caledonia. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 157: 775-783. Hannah, L., R. Dave, P. P. Lowry II, M. Andrianarisata, A. Cameron, R. Hijmans, J. MacKinnon, H. H. Randrianasolo, S. Andriambololonera, A. Razafimpahanana, H. Randriamahazo, J. Randrianarisoa, P. Razafinjatovo, C. Raxworthy, G. E. Schatz, M. Tadross and L. Wilmé. 2008. Climate change adaptation for conservation in Madagascar. Biol. Letters 4: 590-594. Shang, C.-B. and P. P. Lowry II. 2007. Araliaceae. Flora of China 13: 435-491. Callmander, M. W., G. E. Schatz, P. P. Lowry II, M. O. Laivao and J. Raharimampionona, S. Andriambololonera, T. Raminosoa and T. K. Consiglio. 2007. Identification of priority areas for plant conservation in Madagascar using IUCN Red List criteria: rare and threatened Pandanaceae indicate sites in need of protection. Oryx 42: 168-176 [+ 5 pp. suppl. on-line]. Oskolski, A. A., E. L. Kotina, I. V. Fomichev, F. Tronchet and P. P. Lowry II. 2007. Systematic implications of wood and bark anatomy in the Pacific island genus Meryta (Araliaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 153: 363-379. Randrianasolo, A. and P. P. Lowry II. 2006. Operculicarya (Anacardiaceae) revisited: an updated taxonomic treatment, with descriptions of two new species. Adansonia, sér. 3, 359-371. Schatz, G. E. and P. P. Lowry II. 2006. Endemic families of Madagascar. X. Two new species of Rhopalocarpus (Sphaerosepalaceae). Adansonia, sér. 3, 329-336 Consiglio, T., G. E. Schatz, G. McPherson, P. P. Lowry II, J. Rabenantoandro and Z. S. Rodgers. 2006. Deforestation and plant diversity of Madagascar’s Littoral Forests. Conserv. Biol. 20: 1799-1803. Lowry, P. P., II and C.-B. Shang. 2006. Contributions to the study of Chinese Araliaceae: New species and synonyms in Brassaiopsis and Schefflera. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 44: 641-648. Liu, M., G. M. Plunkett, P. P. Lowry II, B.-E. van Wyk and P. M Tilney. 2006. The taxonomic value of fruit wing types in the order Apiales. Amer. J. Bot. 93: 1357-1368. Wen, J. and P. P. Lowry II. 2006. New species and new combinations in Brassaiopsis (Araliaceae) from Vietnam and southwestern China. Adansonia, sér. 3: 28: 181-190. Callmander, M. W., G. E. Schatz and P. P. Lowry II. 2005 (2006). IUCN Red List assessment and the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation: taxonomists must act now. Taxon 54: 1047-1050. Tronchet, F., G.M. Plunkett, J. Jérémie and P.P. Lowry II. 2005. Monophyly and major clades of Meryta (Araliaceae). Syst. Bot. 30: 657-670. Plunkett, G.M., P.P. Lowry II, D.G. Frodin and J. Wen. 2005. Phylogeny and geography of Schefflera: pervasive polyphyly in the largest genus of Araliaceae. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 92: 202-224. Lowry, P.P., II, G.M. Plunkett, V. Raquet, T.S. Sprenkle and J. Jérémie. 2004. Inclusion of the endemic New Caledonian genus Pseudosciadium Baill. in Delarbrea Vieill. (Apiales, Myodocarpaceae). Adansonia, sér. 3, 26: 251-256. Yi, T., P.P. Lowry II, G.M. Plunkett and J. Wen. 2004. Chromosomal evolution in Araliaceae and close relatives. Taxon 53: 987-1005. Plunkett, G.M., P.P. Lowry II and N.V. Vu. 2004. Phylogenetic relationships among Polyscias (Araliaceae) and close relatives from the western Indian Ocean Basin. Intl. J. Plant Sci. 165: 861-873. Lowry, P.P., II, G.M. Plunkett and J. Wen. 2004. Generic relationships in Araliaceae: looking into the crystal ball. S. Afr. J. Bot. 70: 382-392. Schatz, G.E. and P.P. Lowry II. 2004. A synoptic revision of the genus Brexia (Celastraceae) in Madagascar. Adansonia, sér. 3, 26: 67-81. McPherson, G. and P.P. Lowry II. 2004. Hooglandia, a newly discovered genus of Cunoniaceae from New Caledonia. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 91: 260-265. Sweeney, P., J. Bradford and P.P. Lowry II. 2004. Position of the New Caledonian endemic genus Hooglandia (Cunoniaceae) as determined by phylogenetic analysis of chloroplast DNA. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 91: 266-274. Plunkett, G.M., J. Wen and P.P. Lowry II. 2004. Infrafamilial classifications and characters in Araliaceae: Insights from the phylogenetic analysis of nuclear (ITS) and plastid (trnL-trnF) sequence data. Pl. Syst. Evol. 245: 1-39. Lowry, P.P., II and P.P. Smith. 2003. Closing the gulf between botanists and conservationists. Conserv. Biol. 17: 1175-1176. Wen, J., C. Lee, P.P. Lowry II and N.T. Hiep. 2003. Inclusion of the Vietnamese endemic Grushvitzkya in Brassaiopsis (Araliaceae): evidence from nuclear ribosomal and chloroplast DNA. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 142: 455-463. Schatz, G.E. and P.P. Lowry II. 2002. A synoptic revision of the genus Buxus L. (Buxaceae) in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands. Adansonia, sér. 3, 24: 179-196. Lowry, P.P., II, G.E. Schatz and A.-E. Wolf. 2002. Endemic families of Madagascar. VIII. A synoptic revision of Xyloolaena Baill. (Sarcolaenaceae). Adansonia, sér. 3, 24: 7-19. Wen, J., P.P. Lowry II, J. Walck and K-O. Yoo. 2002. Phylogenetic and biogeographic diversification in Osmorhiza (Apiaceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 89: 414-428. Lowry, P.P., II. 2001. A time for taxonomists to take the lead. Oryx 35: 273-274. Schatz, G.E., P.P. Lowry II & A.-E. Wolf. 2001. Endemic families of Madagascar. VII. A synoptic revision of Leptolaena (Sarcolaenaceae). Adansonia, sér. 3, 23: 171-189. Lowry, W.P. and P.P. Lowry II. 2001. Fundamentals of Biometeorology. Vol. 2. The Biological Environment. Peavine Publ./Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. 680pp. Eibl, J., G.M. Plunkett & P.P. Lowry II. 2001. Evolution of Polyscias sect. Tieghemopanax (Araliaceae) based on nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequence data. Adansonia, sér. 3, 23: 23-48. Plunkett, G.M., P.P. Lowry II & M.K. Burke. 2001. The phylogenetic status of Polyscias (Araliaceae) based on nuclear ITS sequence data. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 88: 213-230. Plunkett, G.M. & P.P. Lowry II. 2001. Relationships among "ancient araliads" and their significance for the systematics of Apiales. Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 19: 259-276. Schatz, G.E., P.P. Lowry II & A.-E. Wolf. 2000. Endemic families of Madagascar. VI. A synoptic revision of Rhodolaena (Sarcolaenaceae). Adansonia, sér. 3, 22: 239-252 Lowry, P.P., II , T. Haevermans, J.-N. Labat, G.E. Schatz, J.-F. Leroy & A.-E. Wolf. 2000. Endemic families of Madagascar. V. A synoptic revision of Eremolaena, Pentachlaena and Perrierodendron (Sarcolaenaceae). Adansonia, sér. 3, 22: 11-31. Schatz, G.E., P.P. Lowry II & A.-E. Wolf. 1999. Endemic families of Madagascar. IV. A synoptic revision of Asteropeia (Asteropeiaceae). Adansonia, sér. 3, 21 255-268. Lowry, P.P., II, G.E. Schatz, J.-F. Leroy & A.-E. Wolf. 1999. Endemic families of Madagascar. III. A synoptic revision of Schizolaena (Sarcolaenaceae). Adansonia, sér. 3, 21: 183-212. Lowry, P.P., II. 1998. Diversity, endemism, and extinction in the flora of New Caledonia. Pp. 181-206 in C.-I Peng & P.P. Lowry II (editors), Proc. Intl. Symposium on Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Floras of Asia and the Pacific. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Lowry, P.P., II, G.E. Schatz & P.B. Phillipson. 1997. The classification of natural and anthropogenic vegetation in Madagascar. Pp. 93-123 in S.M. Goodman & B.D. Patterson (editors), Natural Change and Human Impact in Madagascar. Smithsonian Inst. Press, Washington, D.C. Morat, Ph. & P.P. Lowry II. 1997. Floristic richness in the Africa-Madagascar region: a brief history and prospective. Adansonia, sér. 3, 19: 101-115. Lowry, W.P. and P.P. Lowry II. 1990. Fundamentals of Biometeorology. Vol. 1. The Physical Environment. Peavine Publ., McMinnville, Oregon, USA. 310pp.