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Jan Salick, Ph.D. Jan Salick, Ph.D.
Senior Curator Emeritus

office phone: + 1 (314) 577-5165
fax: + 1 (314) 577-0800

Missouri Botanical Garden
4344 Shaw Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63110

PhD, Ecology and Systematics, Cornell University, 1983
M.S., Duke University, 1977
B.A., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1972
Climate change Alpine botany Ethnobotany Tropical ecology Agroecology Traditional knowledge and science Biocultural collections
Available upon request
Research Emphases Adaptations to and mitigations of climate change in Himalayan Alpine Himalayan GLORIA, a 2000 km transect Himalayan Ethnobotany Traditional knowledge and science Biocultural collections
PublicityBreathless in the High Himalaya The case of the shrinking Snow Lotus. The New York Times, Science Times, July 5, 2005 and 56 other international newpapers and magazines Tibet's mountain gods have a way of preserving nature. The New Scientist 2527: 18 (26 November 2005) and on-line
Selected Publications Salick, J. and R. Moseley 2012. Khawa Karpo: Conservation in a Tibetan landscape. Monographs, Missouri Botanical Garden. Salick, J., A. Byg, and K. Bauer 2012. Tibetan Cosmology of Climate Change. Nature and Religion. Salick, J. 2011. Indigenous peoples conserving, managing and creating biodiversity. In Biodiversity in Agriculture: Domestication, Evolution, and Sustainability edited by Paul Gepts, Thomas R. Famula, Robert L. Bettinger, Steve B. Brush, Ardeshir B. Damania, Patrick E. McGuire and Calvin O. Qualset. Cambridge University Press (UK). Duputie, A., J. Salick, and D. McKey 2011. Phylogeography of Manihot, a rapidly radiating Neotropical genus restricted to dry environments. Journal of Biogeography 38: 1033-1043. Byg, A., J. Salick, & W. Law 2010. Medicinal Plant Knowledge among Lay People in Five Eastern Tibet Villages. Human Ecology 38: 177-191. Law, W, J. Salick, & T. Knight 2010. The Effects of Pollen Limitation on Population Dynamics of Snow Lotus, a Threatened Tibetan Medicinal Plant of the Eastern Himalayas. Plant Ecology 210: 343-357. Salick, J and N Ross (editors) 2009. Traditional Peoples and Climate Change. Special Issue: Global Environmental Change 19. Salick, J and N Ross 2009. Traditional Peoples and Climate Change. Global Environmental Change 19: 137-139. Salick, J. Fang ZD and A Byg 2009. Tibetan Ethnobotany and Climate Change in the Eastern Himalayas. Global Environmental Change19: 147-155. Byg, A. and J. Salick, 2009. Local perspectives on a global phenomenon-Climate change in Eastern Tibetan villages. Global Environmental Change 19:156-166. Salick, J. and A. Byg 2007. Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change. Tyndall Centre, UK. Salick, J., A. Amend, D. Anderson, K. Hoffmeister, B. Gunn and Fang Z. D. 2007. Tibetan Sacred Sites Conserve Old Growth Trees in the Eastern Himalayas. Biodiversity and Conservation 16: 693-706. Salick, J., A. Byg, A. Amend, B. Gunn, W. Law, H. Schmidt 2006. Tibetan Medicine Plurality. Economic Botany 60:227-253. Law, W. and J. Salick 2006. Comparing Conservation Priorities for Useful Plants among Botanists and Tibetan Doctors. Biodiversity and Conservation. Salick, J. 2006. To collect or to cultivate: A Conundrum. Comparative population ecology of Ipecac (Psychotria ipecacuanha), a neotropical understory herb. In W. Capraro (ed) Human Impacts on Amazonia: The Role of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Conservation and Development. Columbia University Press. Toledo, M. and J. Salick 2006. Secondary Succession and Indigenous Management in Semi-deciduous Forest Fallows of the Amazon Basin. Biotropica 38: 161-170. Toledo, M., J. Salick, B. Loiselle, and P. Jorgensen 2005. Composicion floristica y usos de bosques secundarios en la provincia Guarayos, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Ecologia y Conservacion Ambiental 18: 1-16. Salick, J., Yang Y. P., and A. Amend 2005. Tibetan Land Use and Change in NW Yunnan. Economic Botany 59: 312-325. Law, W. and J. Salick 2005. Human Induced Dwarfing of Himalayan Snow Lotus (Saussurea laniceps (Asteraceae))  PNAS 102: 10218-10220. Anderson, D., J. Salick, RK Moseley, Ou Xiaokun 2005. Conserving the sacred medicine mountains: a vegetation analysis of Tibetan sacred sites in Northwest Yunnan. Biodiversity and Conservation 14: 3065-3091. Salick, J., Yang YP, BF Gunn 2005. In Situ Capacity Building: Traditional Ecological Knowledge for Conservation and Sustainable Development. Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis. Salick, J., D.Anderson, J. Woo, R. Sherman, C. Norbu, A Na, and S. Dorje 2004. Tibetan Ethnobotany and Gradient Analyses, Menri (Medicine Mountains), Eastern Himalayas. Millenium Ecosystem Assessment. Salick, J. et al 2003. Intellectual Imperatives in Ethnobiology: NSF biocomplexity report. Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis, 10pp. Fenstad, J. E., P. Hoyningen-Huene, Q. Hu, J. Kokwaro, J. Salick, W. Shrum, B. V. Subbarayappa, and D. Nakashima 2002. Science and traditional knowledge. ICSU, Paris.