Quinn Gabriel Long, Ph.D.
Shaw Nature Reserve
office phone: + 1 (314) 577-9501
Missouri Botanical Garden
4344 Shaw Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63110
Ph.D., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas, 2010
B.S., Biology, University of Missouri, 2003
My work focuses on the conservation and restoration of rare plant species and natural communities, particularly grassland, savannah, and woodlands in the Midwestern and Southeastern United States. I am broadly interested in examining how natural (e.g., fire) and anthropogenic (e.g., fragmentation) disturbances influence plant communities and populations, with an emphasis on applied research that facilitates restoration and land management. Examples of applied research areas of interest to land managers include identifying ecological references to guide restorations, enhancing the diversity of degraded natural communities and low diversity restorations, and determining optimal strategies for the control of invasive species. I am also a restoration practitioner with over 15 years of firsthand experience restoring natural communities and controlling invasive species.
Available upon request
Smith, A.B, Q.G. Long, and M.A. Albrecht. 2016. Shifting targets: Spatial priorities for ex situ plant conservation depend on interactions between current threats, climate change, and uncertainty. Biodiversity and Conservation (In Press). Albrecht, M. A., R. E. Becknell, and Q. Long. 2016. Habitat change in insular grasslands: Woody encroachment alters the population dynamics of a rare ecotonal plant. Biological Conservation 196:93-102. Long, Q., B. Foster, and K. Kindscher. 2014. Seed and microsite limitations mediate stochastic recruitment in a low-diversity prairie restoration. Plant Ecology. 215(11): 1287-1298. Albrecht, M.A. and Q.G. Long. 2014. Germination niche of the permanent wetland specialist, Parnassia grandifolia DC. Seed Science Research. 24: 239-245. Kindscher, K. C. Cao, R. Gallagher, H. Zhang, Q. Long, L. Service, L. Martin, and B. Timmermann. 2014. Comparison of bioactive secondary metabolites in experimental and natural populations of wild tomatillos, Physalis longifolia Nutt. Ethnobotany Research and Applications. 12: 175-182. Kindscher, K., Q. Long, S. Corbett, K. Bosnak, H. Loring, M. Cohen, and B. Timmermann. 2012. The ethnobotany and ethnopharmacology of wild tomatillos, Physalis longifolia Nutt., and related Physalis species: A Review. Economic Botany. 66(3): 298- 311. Kindscher, K., H. Kilroy, J. Delisle, Q. Long, H. Loring, K. Dobbs, and J. Drake. 2011. Vegetation mapping and classification of Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve: Project report. Natural Resource Report NRR/HTLN/NRR-2011/346. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. Long, Q. Species coexistence in restored grassland plant communities: Trait-based recruitment, niche-neutral assembly and heterogeneous management. Ph.D. University of Kansas, 2010. 145 pages; AAT 3426480. Kindscher, K., Q. Long, and H. Loring. 2010. Wetlands along the Gila River in Southwestern New Mexico. Natural History of the Gila Symposium, New Mexico Botanist. Special issue 2. New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. Kindscher K., W.H. Busby, R. Craft, J.M. Delisle, C.C. Freeman, H. Kilroy, Q. Long, H. Loring, R. Moranz, and F.J. Norman. 2009. A Natural Areas Inventory of Anderson and Linn Counties. Kansas Biological Survey Open-File Report. No. 158, Lawrence, KS. 73 pp. Kindscher, K., Q. Long, and L. Byczynski. 2008. Mead’s Milkweed Reintroduction Plan for Marais De Cygnes National Wildlife Refuge. Kansas Biological Survey Open-File Report. No. 152, Lawrence, KS. 12 pp. Long, Q., and K. Kindscher. 2007. A Comparison of the influence of disturbance regimes on native forbs. Ecological Restoration 25:129-130. Applequist, W. L., D. J. McGlinn, Q. Long, M. Miller, and J. S. Miller. 2007. How well do herbarium data predict the location of present populations? A test using Echinacea species in Missouri. Biodiversity and Conservation 16:1397-1407.