Calvin Maginel
Ecological Resource Scientist
Shaw Nature Reserve
office phone: + 1 (314) 577-9545
Missouri Botanical Garden
4344 Shaw Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63110
MS: Forestry, University of Missouri, 2015
BS: Field Biology, Berea College, 2006
Plant community interactions with stabilizing factors, specifically repeated landscape-scale low-intensity fire such as that historically utilized by indigenous peoples in the central Midwest. Ozark flora identification and species assemblages. Seeding into communities undergoing restoration/recreation, and how the presumed lack of highly diverse native seed banks due to fire suppression and colonizer land use leads to depauperate restoration sites. Prescribed fire timing and how it relates to plant community assemblages and woody encroachment of native grasslands.
Available upon request
Knapp, B. O., Maginel, C. J., Graham, B., Kabrick, J. M., & Dey, D. C. 2022. Escaping the fire trap: Does frequent, landscape-scale burning inhibit tree recruitment in a temperate broadleaf ecosystem? Forest Ecology and Management, 513, 120191. Leahy, M. J., Buback, S., & Maginel, C. J. 2020. Twenty years of tallgrass prairie reconstruction and restoration at Pawnee Prairie Natural Area, Missouri. Natural areas journal, 40(1), 62-71 Maginel, C. J., Knapp, B. O., Kabrick, J. M., & Muzika, R. M. 2019. Landscape-and site-level responses of woody structure and ground flora to repeated prescribed fire in the Missouri Ozarks. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 48(8), 1004-1014. Leahy, M. J., Vining, I. W., Villwock, J. L., Wesselschmidt III, R. O., Schuhmann, A. N., Vogel, J. A., ... & Maginel III, C. J. 2018. Short‐term efficacy and nontarget effects of aerial glyphosate applications for controlling Lonicera maackii (Amur honeysuckle) in oak‐hickory forests of Eastern Missouri, USA. Restoration Ecology, 26(4), 686-693 Maginel, C. J., Knapp, B. O., Kabrick, J. M., Olson, E. K., & Muzika, R. M. 2016. Floristic Quality Index for woodland ground flora restoration: Utility and effectiveness in a fire-managed landscape. Ecological Indicators, 67, 58-67. Maginel III, C. J. 2015. Ozark ground flora response to landscape-scale prescribed fire. University of Missouri-Columbia.