Archive by tag: workshopsReturn

Summer Professional Development

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Summer Professional Development
EarthWays Center is calling all teachers to join us this summer for professional development! We are offering workshops this summer on the topics of sustainability, clean water, and waste and recycling.
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| Categories: Sustainable Solutions Highlights | Tags: sustainability education, professional development, teacher workshops, waste reduction, clean water, clean water education | View Count: (626)

August 2021 Energy Efficiency Workshop Opportunities

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The EarthWays Center has some upcoming virtual Energy Efficiency Educator Workshops! Have you signed up?
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| Categories: Sustainable Solutions Highlights | Tags: Energy Efficiency Educator Workshops, energy efficiency, workshop, renewable energy | View Count: (1046)

Sustainability Education Opportunities

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The EarthWays Center will continue to provide sustainable education opportunities during this time of great uncertainty-check out what's currently ahead!
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| Categories: Sustainability in the Community, Sustainable Solutions Highlights | Tags: sustainability education opportunities, workshops, energy efficiency, sustainable future | View Count: (1686)