Archive by category: Sustainability in the CommunityReturn

This Winter - Break the Ice, Not the Environment!

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Keep sustainability in mind when seeking out methods to melt ice on sidewalks and paths. Consider salt alternatives and other de-ing tips to keep safety and the environment in mind!
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| Categories: Sustainability in the Community | Tags: sustainable solutions, salt alternatives, ice solutions, safety, de-icing | View Count: (1638)
Gateway to the Garden - A Sustainable Building for a Sustainable Future.
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| Categories: Sustainability in the Community, Sustainability at the Garden | Tags: Jack C. Taylor Visitor Center, sustainability, green building | View Count: (3139)

Director's Cut!

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Get the latest and greatest on regional and national sustainability news from EarthWays Center Director, Glenda Abney!
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| Categories: Sustainability in the Community, Sustainable Solutions Highlights | Tags: Solar, LEED, Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Packaging, TerraCycle., Recycle, Home Design | View Count: (2441)

Sunflower+ Project: STL Update!

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Richard Reilly, EWC Energy Programs Manager, provides an update on growing Sunflowers in STL during the summer months.
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| Categories: Sustainability in the Community | Tags: Sunflowers, Sunflower+ Project | View Count: (2106)
Presented by the St. Louis Green Business Challenge, Green Biz Briefings Luncheons offer businesses of all kinds practical resources to make sustainability work, in any kind of company, local government or non-profit. Next up - "Focus on the Mississippi River", Thursday, September 26.
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| Categories: Sustainability in the Community, Sustainable Solutions Highlights | Tags: Green Biz Briefings, Green Business Challenge, Sustainable Solutions | View Count: (2537)
Grow Solar St. Louis is a grassroots residential and commercial group purchasing program for solar. Free educational Solar Power Hours are now being provided throughout St. Louis City and County.
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| Categories: Sustainability in the Community, Sustainable Solutions Highlights | Tags: Grow Solar, Sustainable Solutions, solar installations, Solar Power Hour | View Count: (2227)
The EarthWays Center features a great line up of educational programs this fall for both students and teachers! And you can always invite EarthWays to your classroom to teach classes about sustainability.
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| Categories: Sustainability in the Community, EarthWays Center Classes | Tags: Education, Sustainable Solutions, Workshop, USGBC, Recycle, Enviroscape | View Count: (1925)
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