Pinus sylvestris 'Fastigiata'

Common Name: Scotch pine 
Type: Needled evergreen
Family: Pinaceae
Zone: 3 to 7
Height: 20.00 to 25.00 feet
Spread: 6.00 to 8.00 feet
Bloom Time: Non-flowering
Bloom Description: Non-flowering
Sun: Full sun
Water: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Leaf: Evergreen
Other: Winter Interest
Tolerate: Deer


Grow in moist, acidic, well-drained soils in full sun. Tolerant of a variety of soil types, including poor soils, as long as the drainage is good. Plants prefer cool summer climates and dislike the heat and humidity of the deep South. Plants are generally tolerant of urban conditions.

'Fastigiata' is susceptible to damage from snow, ice and strong winds in winter, and consideration should be given to tying branches together in winter to avoid problems.

Noteworthy Characteristics

Pinus sylvestris, commonly called Scots pine, is a fast-growing, conical to columnar, medium sized conifer with distinctive flaking orange/red-brown bark. It typically grows 30-60’ tall in cultivation, but may reach 100’ in the wild. It develops an open-rounded, irregular crown as it matures. It is a very widely distributed pine that is native to northern Europe and northern Asia, but has also naturalized in parts of the northeastern and north-central U.S. It is the only pine that is native to Great Britain. Plants will vary in habit, hardiness and needle appearance depending on their specific native geographical growing region. Scots pine generally features (1) twisted, blue-green needles (to 3” long) in bundles of two, (2) gray to light brown cones (to 3” long) and (3) scaly orange/red bark in upper part but darker red-brown near the base. The common name of scotch pine is still popular, but is now considered by some experts to be inappropriate.

Genus name comes from the Latin name for pines.

Specific epithet means of woods and forests.

'Fastigtiata' is a columnar form with tight, narrow, ascending branches. It matures over time to 25' tall or more with a spread to 8' wide. Blue-green needles are attractive year round.


Scots pine and its cultivars may be grown in the St. Louis area, but they will often struggle because of soil, climate and disease susceptibility. Sphaeropsis (Diplodia) tip blight can be a significant problem in some areas. Watch for pine wilt nematode. Sawflies, moths and scale may also appear.


Fastigiate landscape accent.