Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soil in part shade to full shade. Prefers humusy, organically rich, moisture-retentive soils. Soil should not be allowed to dry out. Avoid wet soils which can be fatal particularly in winter. Removal of flower spikes after bloom will improve the appearance of the foliage mound. Foliage is semi-evergreen in the St. Louis area where the amount of retained foliage color in winter, if any, is in large part dependent upon the severity of the temperatures.
Noteworthy Characteristics
Tiarella is a genus of about 7 species of herbaceous perennials from East Asia and North America. They make good ground covers in woodland gardens and shady borders.
Plants are in the same family as and somewhat suggestive of Heuchera, Tellima and Mitella. Tiarella is sometimes commonly called false miterwort because of its similarity to Mitella (miterwort).
Genus name comes from the Greek tiara meaning a small crown in reference to the form of the fruit.
'Eco Eyed Glossy' is a rhizomatous, clump-forming foamflower hybrid which is noted for its bright unvariegated foliage and its spires of white flowers in spring. It forms a basal foliage mound of dense, rounded, light green leaves with very shallow lobes. Foliage mound typically grows 10" tall and 12" wide. Tiny white flowers bloom in spring in bottle-brush-like racemes atop erect, wiry, mostly leafless stems which rise above the foliage mound to a height of 15".
No serious insect or disease problems. Watch for powdery mildew. Susceptible to root weevils and slugs.
Excellent selection for shaded areas of rock gardens, woodland gardens, border fronts, naturalized plantings or moist areas along streams or ponds. Mass for an attractive ground cover. Containers.