Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in part shade to full shade. Prefers consistently moist, humusy soils that are rich in organic matter. Soils should not be allowed to dry out. Site in locations protected from strong winds to prevent damage to the fronds. Crowns may be divided regularly.
Noteworthy Characteristics
Dryopteris filix-mas, commonly called male fern, is native to Europe and North America. This is a large, arching, deciduous male fern with erect, stout rhizomes and medium green blades (fronds) that grow to 3’ (less frequently to 4’) tall. Blade is pinnate-pinnatifid (almost 2-pinnate) with 20-30 pair of long-pointed pinnae (leaflets) per blade. Each leaflet is divided into short, rounded, finely-serrated pinnules (sub-leaflets). Sori (fruit dots) on the leaflets are located closer to the midvein than the margin. Crisped, crested, forked and dwarf variants of this species exist. In North America, this fern ranges from Newfoundland to British Columbia, from New England to the Great Lakes, and from South Dakota to Washington south to California and Texas. It is typically found in cool, moist, rocky woods, but in New England it is uncommon and limited only to areas with calcareous soils. In Europe, it is commonly found in a variety of locations including roadsides.
Genus name from Greek dryas meaning oak and pteris meaning fern in reference to the presence of some species of wood ferns in woodland areas populated with oaks.
Specific epithet means male fern in reference to the somewhat vigorous growing habits of ferns in this species.
'Linearis' which typically grows 3-4' tall and wide. It is semi-evergreen in warm winter climates, but basically deciduous in the St. Louis area. Fronds are large (to 4' long) with narrow and well-spaced pinnae that are reduced in size. 'Linearis' is similar to 'Linearis Polydactyla' but not as delicate in appearance.
No serious insect or disease problems.
Excellent fern for woodland or shade gardens. Good specimen.