Poa trivialis

Common Name: rough meadow grass 
Type: Turfgrass
Family: Poaceae
Native Range: Temperate Regions
Zone: 3 to 7
Height: 0.25 to 0.25 feet
Spread: 0.25 to 0.25 feet
Bloom Time: Non-flowering
Bloom Description: Green
Sun: Part shade
Water: Medium to wet
Maintenance: Low
Flower: Insignificant


Grow in average, medium to wet, well-drained soil in part shade. Prefers cool climates, moist soils and shade. Becomes aggressive in full sun. Often included in shade grass mixtures, but may crowd out the other components of the mixture if grown in too much sun. Grows poorly in hot and/or droughty conditions.

Noteworthy Characteristics

Poa trivialis, commonly called rough bluegrass, is a cool season, creeping (by stolons only) turfgrass that is noted for its ability to do well in moist soils and shade. In comparison to Kentucky bluegrass (which has both tillers and rhizomes), it is more shallow-rooted, forms a looser sod and is less tolerant of foot traffic. As a turfgrass, it is recommended that it be mowed regularly to a height of 1.5-2.0" in spring and fall and slightly higher in the hot summer months. Features soft, narrow, linear, glossy yellowish-green leaf blades (1/8" wide) with the characteristic boat-shaped tips.

Genus name comes from the Greek word poa meaning fodder grass.

Specific epithet means common or ordinary.


No serious insect or disease problems. Some susceptibility to a number of diseases, including brown patch, rust, stripe smut, fusarium patch and typhula blight.


Turfgrass for difficult-to-cover areas with moist, shady conditions. Also good in mixtures for meadows and pastures.