Best grown in moist, organically rich, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Deadhead spent flowers to prolong bloom. This is a suckering subshrub that will spread in optimum growing conditions if not restrained. Low-growing branches may root where they touch the ground. This hybrid behaves like an evergreen to semi-evergreen sub-shrub in mild climates (Zones 8-9), an herbaceous perennial in cooler climates (Zone 7), or an annual in cold climates (north of Zone 7). It may survive some mild winters in the St. Louis area but should be sited in a protected location and mulched. Geographically, it grows best in Mediterranean-like climates and poorly in areas with hot, humid summers.
Noteworthy Characteristics
Phygelius × rectus is an interspecific hybrid resulting from the deliberate cross of P. capensis and P. aequalis, two evergreen subshrubs native to South Africa, Lesotho, and Eswatini. Mature plants will reach up to 5' tall with a similar spread, although plants grown in colder climates will not reach these sizes. Will sucker to form clumps, but is not considered aggressive. The foliage is ovate in shape with serrated margins. The flowers are highly attractive to hummingbirds.
Genus name probably comes from the Greek word phyge meaning flight or avoidance "in consequence of its having so long escaped the research of botanists", according to W.J. Hooker (1855).
The hybrid name rectus means "erect" or "upright".
'Devil's Tears' is a hybrid Cape fuchsia cultivar that features large, showy, terminal panicles of pendant, orange-red, tubular blooms with yellow throats. The flowers will reach around 1.5" long and are highly attractive to hummingbirds. The dark green, ovate leaves are held on upright, maroon stems.
No known serious insect or disease problems.
Sunny borders. Containers.