Creeping bentgrass is adapted to cool, humid climates such as those found in the northeast, northwest and upper Midwestern U.S. (zones 3-5). It requires full sun, frequent watering and fertilizer applications and good drainage. Bentgrass is considered a high maintenance turfgrass. It should be mowed at a height of 1 to 2" as a residential lawn.
Noteworthy Characteristics
Agrostis palustris, commonly called creeping bentgrass, is more commonly used for golf greens, but can be grown as a residential lawn in cool, northern areas though not highly recommended because of it's high maintenance requirement. It grows as a dense carpet and produces a fine-textured and very soft surface desirable for outdoor activities. Bentgrass needs frequent watering and can be mowed closely to achieve a uniform, even look. Because bentgrass is considered a heavy feeder, it's fertilizer requirements are high (3-4 lbs nitrogen/year). Bentgrass produces stolons that can quickly repair damaged spots. It is not compatible with other grass selections and often found as a weed in lawns of bluegrass and fescue.
Genus name comes from the Greek word agrostis meaning a kind of grass.
Specific epithet means swampy or marshy.
'Pennlinks' is a superior cultivar.
Bentgrass is susceptible to several fungal diseases especially in humid, warm climates. Applications of fungicide are common for control of dollar spot and brown patch, the two most prominent diseases of bentgrass. Low mowing is required in order to delay the buildup of excessive thatch.
Where cultural requirements can be met and climatic conditions are favorable, bentgrass can make a beautiful lawn with a uniform and highly manicured appearance. Bentgrass is used in golf greens all over the U.S., however, it grows best in cool climates.