Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun. Tolerates a wide range of soils. Remove faded flower clusters as practicable (light shearing is an option) to encourage additional bloom. Flowers on new wood, so prune in late winter to early spring if needed.
Noteworthy Characteristics
Spiraea is a genus of about 80 species of deciduous and semi-evergreen shrubs from North Temperate areas of Europe, Asia and North America including Mexico.
Genus name comes from the Greek word speira meaning wreath in reference to the showy flower clusters seen on most shrubs in the genus.
'Darsnorm', commonly sold under the trade name of SNOW STORM, features large white blooms that cover the plant from May into June, hence the trade name of SNOW STORM. This is a rounded, deciduous shrub that typically grows to 3-5’ tall and as wide. Attractive blue-green summer foliage. Leaves usually turn attractive shades of orange and red in fall. Numerous tiny white flowers in dome-shaped clusters (corymbs to 6-8” wide) bloom above the foliage from late spring to early summer. Flowers are attractive to butterflies. This spirea was developed and introduced into commerce by Darthuizer Nursery in the Netherlands.
Susceptible to many of the diseases and insects that attack other rose family members, including leaf spot, fire blight, powdery mildew, root rot, aphids, leaf roller and scale. Deer tend to avoid this plant.
Mass or specimen plantings for borders, cottage gardens or as an informal hedge. Incorporates well into foundation plantings.
Specimen or small group.