Best grown in humusy, fertile, consistently moist, well-drained soils in full sun. Tolerates very light shade, and appreciates some afternoon protection from the hot sun in southern climates. Pinch stems back as needed from late spring to mid-summer (e.g., Memorial Day to the 4th of July) to control height and to encourage bushy vegetative growth. For best bloom, feed plants several times during the growing season. Cut plants back to 6” after flowering and mulch (e.g., straw or evergreen boughs) for winter. Divide as needed (usually every 2-3 years) in spring or fall. In cold winter climates such as the St. Louis area, plants given winter protection will usually survive, but not always. Winter hardiness can vary considerably from year to year and from location to location within the same hardiness zone.
Notwithstanding the preceding culture recommendations, garden mums are frequently purchased in pots in late summer each year and grown as fall flowering annuals to supplement or replace summer annuals, rather than as permanent additions to the garden.
Noteworthy Characteristics
Chrysanthemum is a genus of about 20 species grown mostly for their showy flowers. Many hybrids have been developed which are a mainstay of the fall garden.
Genus name comes from the Greek words chrysos meaning gold and anthemon meaning flower.
'Saxapahaw' was discovered in a bed of 'Single Apricot Korean' chrysanthemums growing in a garden in Saxapahaw, North Carolina. It is a clump-forming, fall-blooming garden mum that typically grows 2-3' tall and as wide. Single daisy-like dusky rose flowers with yellow eyes bloom from late summer to frost. Flowers are attractive to butterflies. Lobed, medium green leaves (to 2” long).
Aphids, thrips and spider mites may cause significant damage. Potential disease problems include Botrytis, leaf spots, rust, powdery mildew, stem and root rots, verticillium wilt, aster yellows and viruses. Deer and rabbits tend to avoid this plant.
Perennial or annual. Mass, group or edging. Borders. Containers.