Cinnamomum burmannii
Common Name: Padang cassia 
Type: Broadleaf evergreen
Family: Lauraceae
Native Range: Southeastern Asia, Indonesia
Zone: 9 to 11
Height: 12.00 to 50.00 feet
Spread: 12.00 to 50.00 feet
Bloom Time: Seasonal bloomer
Bloom Description: Creamy white, Yellow
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Water: Medium
Maintenance: Medium
Suggested Use: Annual, Shade Tree, Street Tree
Flower: Insignificant
Leaf: Fragrant
Attracts: Birds
Fruit: Edible


Best grown in evenly moist, rich, well-draining, slightly acidic, sandy loams in full sun to part shade. Hardy in Zones 9 and above.

Noteworthy Characteristics

Cinnamomum burmannii, commonly known as Padang cassia or Indonesian cinnamon, is small to medium sized evergreen tree native to moist, tropical forests of southern China and Southeast Asia. It has been introduced around the world as a crop plant and ornamental, but has escaped cultivation and become naturalized or invasive in some areas. Mature specimens can reach between 20-50' tall with a dense, rounded canopy of similar width. The leaves are glossy, aromatic, ovate in shape, and 4" long. The new foliage has a faint pink color before maturing to green. Small, creamy white flowers bloom seasonally in axilary clusters and are followed by small, dark blue fruits. The fruit is sought out by birds which disperse the seeds.

Genus name comes from the classical Greek name for cinnamon.

The specific epithet burmannii most likely honors Dutch botanist Nicolaas L. Burman (1734-1793).

The common name Padang cassia refers to Padang, the capital of West Sumatra, Indonesia. Cassia may be used to refer to many species of cinnamon. This name comes from Cassia, a genus in the bean family, many species of which have useful bark.


The young foliage is the preferred larval food source of the cinnamon butterfly (Chilasa clytia). Complete defoliation is possible on young plants. Leaf miners and beetles also feed on the foliage. Whiteflies, aphids, and scale can also affect this plant. Susceptible to stripe canker (caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi), anthracnose, various leaf spot diseases, and rusts.


Suitable for use as a specimen tree, shade tree, or street tree. Widely cultivated for the aromatic bark which is used as a spice in cooking and for extracting essential oil.